
CCA Release 2.54 Logon_Control
The user_id parameter is a pointer to a string variable containing the ID string
which identifies the user to the system. The user ID must be exactly eight
characters in length. Shorter user IDs should be padded on the right with
space characters.
The user_id parameter is always used when logging on. It is also used when
the LOGOFF keyword used in conjunction with the FORCE keyword to force a
user off.
The auth_parms_length parameter is a pointer to an integer variable containing
the number of bytes of data in the auth_parms variable.
On input, this variable contains the length (in bytes) of the auth_parms variable.
On output, this variable contains the number of bytes of data returned in the
auth_parms variable.
The auth_parms parameter is a pointer to a string variable containing data
used in the authentication process.
This field is used differently depending on the authentication method specified
in the rule array.
The auth_data_length parameter is a pointer to an integer variable containing
the number of bytes of data in the auth_data variable.
Keyword Meaning
Keywords used to log on
LOGON Tells the Coprocessor that you want to log on. When you use
the LOGON keyword, you must also use a second keyword,
PPHRASE, to indicate how you will identify yourself to the
PPHRASE Specifies that you are going to identify yourself using a
Keywords used to log off
LOGOFF Tells the Coprocessor you want to log off.
FORCE Tells the Coprocessor that a specified user is to be logged off.
The user's profile ID is specified by the user_id parameter.
Keywords used to save and restore logon context information
GET-CNTX Obtains a copy of the logon context information that is
currently active in your session. See “Use of Logon Context
Information” on page 2-8.
PUT-CNTX Restores the logon context information that was saved using
the GET_CNTX keyword. See “Use of Logon Context
Information” on page 2-8.
Keyword Contents of auth_parms field
PPHRASE The authentication parameter field is empty. Its length is zero.
Chapter 2. CCA Node-Management and Access-Control 2-53