CCA Release 2.54 Cryptographic_Facility_Control
For SET-MOFN, verb_data is an input variable. The variable contents
establish the minimum and maximum number of “cloning information”
shares that are required and that can be used to pass sensitive information
from one Coprocessor to another Coprocessor. The verb_data variable
contains a two-element array of integers. The first element is the m
minimum required number of shares to reconstruct cloned information (see
the Master_Key_Distribution verb). The second element is the n maximum
number of shares that can be issued to reconstruct cloned information (see
the Master_Key_Distribution verb). Allocate an eight-byte buffer (two,
four-byte integers) and specify this length in the verb_data_length variable.
Required Commands
The Cryptographic_Facility_Control verb requires the following commands to be
enabled in the hardware:
Reinitialize Device (offset X'0111') with the RQ-TOKEN, RQ-REINT keywords
Set Clock (offset X'0110') with the SETCLOCK keyword
Reset Intrusion Latch (offset X'010F') with the RESET-IL keyword
Reset Battery-LOW Indicator (offset X'030B') with the RESETBAT keyword
Load a Function Control Vector (offset X'0119') with the LOAD-FCV keyword
Clear the Function Control Vector (offset X'011A') with the CLR-FCV keyword
Set EID command (offset X'011C') with the SET-EID keyword
Initialize Master Key Cloning command (offset X'011D') with the SET-MOFN
Chapter 2. CCA Node-Management and Access-Control 2-33