CCA Release 2.54
Access Control, CCA 2-2
Access_Control_Initialization (CSUAACI) 2-21
Access_Control_Maintenance (CSUAACM) 2-24
American Express
transaction validation verb 8-75
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
X3.106 (CBC) method D-7
X9.19 method D-13
X9.23 method D-7
X9.9 method D-13
ANSI X9.24 DUKPT 8-37, 8-42
ANSI X9.31 hash format D-19
asymmetric keys 5-6
attributes 5-7
automated teller machine 8-3
battery-low indicator 2-30
battery-low indicator (latch) 2-10
Bellare-Rogaway D-19
calculation methods, PIN 8-8
card verification code E-16
card verification value E-16
carriage return (CR) B-25
CCA, common cryptographic architecture
control-vector definitions C-1
key encryption C-1
list of security API verbs F-1
relationship to security API 1-8
certificate 2-15
chaining vector 6-4
chaining-vector-record format B-20
cipher-class keys 5-7
CCA DES-key verification algorithm D-2
keys 5-7, 5-10
3624 PIN E-3, E-5
3624 PIN offset E-4
ANSI X3.106 (CBC) D-7
German Bank Pool Institution PIN E-6
Interbank PIN E-8
message authentication code (MAC) D-13
modification detection code (MDC) D-3
NL-PIN-1 E-5
VISA PIN Validation Value (PVV) E-7
clear keys 5-16
cloning a master key
certificate 2-15
coding procedure calls 1-8
common parameters 1-11
confidentiality, data 6-1
control vectors (CVs)
bit map
EXPORT bit C-8
format C-5
gks bits C-8
IMPORT bit C-8
Key-part bit C-11
parity bits C-11
XLATE bit C-8
changing 5-26
Control_Vector_Translate Verb C-20
pre-exclusive-OR technique C-16
checking 5-5
control information C-20
default values 5-6
description 5-4
determining values C-7
generating 5-24
key form bits, fff C-7
key separation 5-4
key-half processing mode C-23
keywords 5-10
mask array information C-20
multiply-deciphering keys C-12
multiply-enciphering keys C-12
specifying values C-7
testing C-20
translating 5-26
values C-1
verbs 5-24, 5-26
violation C-20
example C-24
Control_Vector_Translate (CSNBCVT) 5-26
Control_Vector_Translate, mask array C-20
controlling the cryptographic facility 2-9
Coprocessor resource selection 2-44, 2-46
CR (carriage return) B-25
cryptographic engine 1-4
cryptographic-variable-class keys 5-8
Cryptographic_Facility_Control (CSUACFC) 2-30
Cryptographic_Facility_Query (CSUACFQ) 2-34
Cryptographic_Variable_Encipher (CSNBCVE) 5-29
CSNBCKI (Clear_Key_Import) 5-22
CSNBCKM (Multiple_Clear_Key_Import) 5-71
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005 X-11