
CCA Release 2.54
Figure B-24. Key-Storage-File Header, Record 1 (not OS/400)
Offset Length Meaning
00 04 The total length of this key record.
04 04 The record validation value.
08 64 The key label without separators.
72 15 The date and time of when this record was created. The date string consists
of an 8 digit date and a 6 digit time ( ccyymmddhhmmssz ) where:
cc - century
yy - year
mm - month
dd - day
hh - Hour in 24 hour format (00-24).
mm - Minutes.
ss - Seconds.
z - String terminator (0x00)
87 15 The date and time of when this record was last updated. This field has the
same format as the created date.
102 26 Reserved
128 01 An indicator that this is either an internal DES (X'01') or PKA (X'1F') key
129 01 Version 1, X'00'; Version 2, X'01'.
130 02 Token length which is a value of 64.
132 02 Reserved
134 02 First two bytes of the SHA-1 MKVP. See “SHA-1 Based Master Key
Verification Method” on page D-1.
136 16 The master key verification pattern of the current master key in the
cryptographic facility when this file was initialized.
152 24 The first 24 bytes of the file description (the remaining 40 bytes are stored in
the second record).
176 12 Reserved
188 04 The token validation value. Bytes 128 through 191 are considered to be the
64 byte token.
B-22 IBM 4758 CCA Basic Services, Release 2.54, February 2005