
CCA Release 2.54
Return Code 8
Figure A-4 (Page 1 of 6). Reason Codes for Return Code 8
Dec (Hex)
8 012 (00C) The token-validation value in an external key token is not
8 022 (016) The ID number in the request field is not valid.
8 023 (017) An access to the data area was outside the data-area
8 024 (018) The master key verification pattern is not valid .
8 025 (019) The value that the text_length parameter specifies is not valid.
8 026 (01A) The value of the PIN is not valid.
8 029 (01D) The token-validation value in an internal key token is not valid.
8 030 (01E) No record with a matching key label is in key storage.
8 031 (01F) The control vector did not specify a DATA key.
8 032 (020) A key label format is not valid.
8 033 (021) A rule array or other parameter specifies a keyword that is not
8 034 (022) A rule-array keyword combination is not valid.
8 035 (023) A rule-array count is not valid.
8 036 (024) The action command must be specified in the rule array.
8 037 (025) The object type must be specified in the rule array.
8 039 (027) A control vector violation occurred. Check all control vectors
employed with the verb. For security reasons, no detail is
8 040 (028) The service code does not contain numerical character data.
8 041 (029) The keyword supplied with the key_form parameter is not
8 042 (02A) The expiration date is not valid.
8 043 (02B) The keyword supplied with the key_length or the
key_token_length parameter is not valid.
8 044 (02C) A record with a matching key label already exists in key
8 045 (02D) The input character string cannot be found in the code table.
8 046 (02E) The card-validation value (CVV) is not valid.
8 047 (02F) A source key token is unusable because it contains data that
is not valid or undefined.
8 048 (030) One or more keys has a master key verification pattern that is
not valid.
8 049 (031) A key-token-version-number found in a key token is not
8 050 (032) The key-serial-number specified in the rule array is not valid.
8 051 (033) The value that the text_length parameter specifies is not a
multiple of eight bytes.
8 054 (036) The value that the pad_character parameter specifies is not
8 055 (037) The initialization vector in the key token is enciphered.
8 056 (038) The master key verification pattern in the OCV is not valid.
8 058 (03A) The parity of the operating key is not valid.
8 059 (03B) Control information (for example, the processing method or the
pad character) in the key token conflicts with that in the rule
8 060 (03C) A cryptographic request with the FIRST or MIDDLE keywords
and a text length less than 8 bytes is not valid.
8 061 (03D) The keyword supplied with the key_type parameter is not
8 062 (03E) The source key was not found.
A-4 IBM 4758 CCA Basic Services, Release 2.54, February 2005