
CCA Release 2.54
Note: To avoid errors when using the IBM 3624 PIN-block format, you should
not include in the decimalization table a decimal digit that is also used as a pad
digit. For information about a pad digit, see “PIN Profile” on page 8-10.
The second element in the data array for a PIN-calculation method supplies 1
to 16 characters of account data, which can be the customer’s account number
or other identifying number. If necessary, the application program must
left-justify the validation data and pad on the right with space characters to a
length of 16 bytes. While normally the validation data consists of
numeric-decimal characters, the Clear_PIN_Generate_Alternate,
Encrypted_PIN_Generate, and Encrypted_PIN_Verify verbs have been updated
to support any hexadecimal character (0, ..., 9, A, ..., F) in support of industry
clear_PIN, offset_data, or reserved
The third element in the data array contains an O-PIN value. If an O-PIN is not
used in the verb or method, then this should be 16 space characters.
Data Array with the VISA-PVV Calculation Method: When using the VISA-PVV
calculation method, the data array consists of the transaction_security_parameter,
the PVV, and one reserved element.
The first element in the data array for the VISA-PVV calculation method points
to transaction security data. Specify 16 characters that include the following:
Eleven (rightmost) digits of personal account number (PAN) data, excluding
the check digit. For information about a PAN, see “Personal Account
Number (PAN)” on page 8-13.
One digit of key index valued from one to six.
Four space characters.
referenced PVV
When using the Encrypted_PIN_Verify verb, the second element in the data
array for the VISA-PVV calculation method contains four numeric characters,
which are the PVV value for the account and derived from a customer-selected
PIN value. This value is followed by 12 space characters.
The second element (when not using the Encrypted_PIN_Verify verb) and the
third element in the data array for the VISA-PVV calculation method are
reserved. These elements point to 16-byte variables in application storage.
The information in these elements will be ignored, but the elements must be
Data Array for the Interbank Calculation Method: When using the Interbank
PIN-calculation method with certain verbs, the data array consists of one element,
the transaction_security_parameter, for transaction security data. The other two
elements are reserved.
The first element in the data array for the Interbank calculation method points
to transaction security data. Specify 16 numeric characters that include the
Chapter 8. Financial Services Support Verbs 8-9