CCA Release 2.54 Encrypted_PIN_Verify
The PIN_check_length parameter is a pointer to an integer variable containing
the number of digits of PIN information that the verb should verify. The verb
uses the value in the variable if you specify the IBM-PIN or IBM-PINO keyword
for the calculation method. The specified number of digits is selected from the
low order (right side) of the PIN. Ensure that this parameter always points to
an integer variable in application storage.
Note: The PIN check length must be less than or equal to the PIN length and
in the range from 4 to 16.
Keyword Meaning
Calculation method (one required)
IBM-PIN This keyword specifies that the IBM 3624 PIN-calculation
method is to be used.
IBM-PINO This keyword specifies that the IBM 3624 PIN Offset
calculation method is to be used.
GBP-PIN This keyword specifies that the IBM German Bank Pool
Institution PIN-calculation method is to be used.
VISA-PVV This keyword specifies that the VISA-PVV PIN-calculation
method is to be used.
VISAPVV4 This keyword specifies that the VISA-PVV PIN-calculation
method is to be used. Acceptable PINs must be exactly four
digits in length.
INBK-PIN This keyword specifies that the Interbank PIN-calculation
method is to be used.
Unique Key Per Transaction (one, optional)
UKPTIPIN Specifies the use of UKPT input-key derivation and PIN-block
PIN-extraction method (one, optional)
See Figure 8-11 on page 8-45.
Figure 8-11. Encrypted_PIN_Verify PIN-Extraction Method
The PIN-extraction method keywords
specify a PIN-extraction method for an IBM
3624 PIN-block format. The first keyword,
PADDIGIT, is the default PIN-extraction
method for the 3624 PIN-block format.
ISO-0 PINBLOCK This keyword specifies the default
PIN-extraction method for an ISO-0
PIN-block format.
ISO-1 PINBLOCK This keyword specifies the default
PIN-extraction method for an ISO-1
PIN-block format.
ISO-2 PINBLOCK This keyword specifies the default
PIN-extraction method for an ISO-2
PIN-block format.
Chapter 8. Financial Services Support Verbs 8-45