
CCA Release 2.54 CVV_Generate
CVV_Generate (CSNBCSG)
OS/2 AIX Win NT/
IBM 4758-2/23 X X X X
The CVV_Generate verb supports the VISA card-verification value (CVV) and the
MasterCard card-verification code (CVC) process as defined for track 2 by
generating a CVV. For details about the CVV process, see “CVV and CVC
Method” on page E-16
The verb generates a CVV that is based on the information that the PAN_data, the
expiration_date, and the service_code parameters provide. The verb uses the
key-A and key-B keys to cryptographically process this information. The verb
returns the 5-byte variable that the CVV_value parameter identifies. If the
requested CVV is shorter than 5 characters, the CVV is padded on the right by
space characters.
The control vectors supplied with key-A and key-B must indicate either a
MAC-class key type or a DATA-class key type. The subtype bit field in the control
vectors can be B'0000'. Alternatively, you can ensure that the keys are used only
in the CVV_Generate and CVV_Verify verbs by specifying a MAC-class key with
subtype bits for key-A as B'0010' and for key-B as B'0011'. For more
information about control vectors, see Appendix C, “CCA Control-Vector Definitions
and Key Encryption.”
return_code Output Integer
reason_code Output Integer
exit_data_length In/Output Integer
exit_data In/Output String exit_data_length bytes
rule_array_count Input Integer zero, one, or two
rule_array Input String
rule_array_count * 8 bytes
PAN_data Input String 16 bytes
expiration_date Input String 4 bytes
service_code Input String 3 bytes
CVV_key-A_identifier Input String 64 bytes
CVV_key-B_identifier Input String 64 bytes
CVV_value Output String 5 bytes
For the definitions of the return_code, reason_code, exit_data_length, and exit_data
parameters, see “Parameters Common to All Verbs” on page 1-11.
The rule_array_count parameter is a pointer to an integer variable containing
the number of elements in the rule_array variable. The value must be zero,
one, or two for this verb.
Chapter 8. Financial Services Support Verbs 8-27