
CCA Release 2.54
CVV and CVC Method
Figure E-6
shows the method used to generate a card-verification value (CVV) for
track 2. Each (decimal) digit is represented as a 4-bit, binary value and packed two
digits per byte.
PAN │ Exp Date │ Service Code '' pad
│ 13 or 16 digits │ 4 digits │ 3 digits Pad to 16 bytes
│ 15│
│ Divide into two 8-byte fields │
Digits are represented └─────┬─────────────────┬───────┘
in 4-bit groups, 2
groups per byte. ┌──────┴──────┐ ┌─────┴───────┐
Left Right
└──────┬──────┘ └─────┬───────┘
Key A ──────┤ Encipher
│ XOR ├──────────────┘
Key A ──────┤ Encipher
Key B ──────┤ Decipher
Key A ──────┤ Encipher
│Decimalize Result
1) Select only -9 left to right
2) Left justify result of 1 in field │
3) Select only A-F left to right
4) Subtract 1 from each in 3
5) Concatenate to result from 2
6) CVV is the left 1 to 5 digits.
Figure E-6. CVV Track 2 Algorithm
At the security API, the CVV_Generate and CVV_Verify verbs require two key
identifiers, key-A and key-B, as defined in the CVV method. The identifiers can be
key labels or internal key-tokens.
The key-A and key-B key pair can include the following key types:
1. Both keys can be DATA keys.
2. Both keys can be MAC-class keys with the ANY subtype.
3. Both keys can be MAC-class keys with the KEY-A and KEY-B subtypes as
The CVV_Generate verb requires the control-vector bit (bit 20) to be set to 1. The
CVV_Verify verb requires the control-vector bit (bit 21) to be set to 1.
Adapted from VisaNet Electronic Value Exchange Standards Manual, pages AA-8 and AA-9.
E-16 IBM 4758 CCA Basic Services, Release 2.54, February 2005