CCA Release 2.54
Figure B-9. RSA Private Key, 1024-Bit Modulus-Exponent Format
000 001 X'02' Section identifier, RSA private key, modulus-exponent format
(RSA-PRIV). This section type is created by selected IBM 4755
Cryptographic Adapters and the IBM 4758 Version 1 CCA Support Program.
Version 2 software uses this format for a clear or an encrypted RSA private
key in an external key-token.
001 001 The version number (X'00')
002 002 Length of the RSA private-key section X'016C' (364 decimal)
004 020 SHA-1 hash value of the private-key subsection cleartext, offset 28 to and
including the modulus that ends at offset 363
024 002 Reserved, binary zero
026 002 Master key verification pattern in an internal key-token, else X'0000'
028 001 Key format and security
X'00' Unencrypted RSA private-key subsection identifier
X'82' Encrypted RSA private-key subsection identifier
029 001 Reserved, binary zero
030 020 SHA-1 hash of the optional key-name section; if there is no name section,
then 20 bytes of X'00'
050 001 Key usage flag bits
The two high-order bits indicate permitted key usage in the decryption of
symmetric keys and in the generation of digital signatures. Useful
X'00' Only signature generation (SIG-ONLY)
X'C0' Only key unwrapping (KM-ONLY)
X'80' Both signature generation and key unwrapping (KEY-MGMT).
All other bits, reserved, B'0'
051 009 Reserved, binary zero
060 024 Reserved, binary zero
084 Start of the optionally encrypted subsection.
Private key encryption:
External token: EDE2 process using the double-length transport key
Internal token: EDE3 process using the asymmetric master key.
See “Triple-DES Ciphering Algorithms” on page D-10.
084 024 Random number (confounder)
108 128 Private-key exponent, d. d=e
mod((p-1)(q-1)), 1<d<n, and where e is the
public exponent
End of the optionally encrypted subsection. All of the fields starting with the confounder
field and ending with the private-key exponent are enciphered for key confidentiality
when the key format and security flags (offset 28) indicate that the private key is
236 128 Modulus, n. n=pq, where p and q are prime and 2
Note: See “Number Representation in PKA Key-Tokens” on page B-8.
B-10 IBM 4758 CCA Basic Services, Release 2.54, February 2005