
CCA Release 2.54
Figure A-4 (Page 4 of 6). Reason Codes for Return Code 8
Dec (Hex)
8 343 (157) Either the data block or the buffer for the block is too small, or
a variable has caused an attempt to create an internal data
structure that is too large.
8 374 (176) Less data was supplied than expected or less data exists than
was requested.
8 377 (179) A key-storage error occurred.
8 382 (17E) A time-limit violation occurred.
8 385 (181) The cryptographic hardware component reported that the data
passed as part of a command is not valid for that command.
8 387 (183) The cryptographic hardware component reported that the user
ID or role ID is not valid.
8 393 (189) The command was not processed because the profile cannot
be used.
8 394 (18A) The command was not processed because the expiration date
was exceeded.
8 397 (18D) The command was not processed because the active profile
requires the user to be pre-verified.
8 398 (18E) The command was not processed because the maximum
PIN/password failure limit is exceeded.
8 407 (197) A PIN-block consistency-check-error occurred.
8 442 (1BA) DES keys with replicated halves are not allowed.
8 605 (25D) The number of output bytes is greater than the number that is
8 703 (2BF) A new master-key value was found to be one of the weak
DES keys.
8 704 (2C0) The new master-key would have the same master key
verification pattern as the current master-key.
8 705 (2C1) The same key-encrypting key was specified for both exporter
8 706 (2C2) Pad count in deciphered data is not valid.
8 707 (2C3) The Master-Key registers are not in the state required for the
requested function.
8 713 (2C9) The algorithm or function is not available on current hardware
(DES on a CDMF-only system, or T-DES on DES-only or
CDMF-only system)
8 714 (2CA) A reserved parameter was not a null pointer or an expected
8 715 (2CB) A parameter that must have a value of zero is invalid.
8 718 (2CE) The hash of the data block in the decrypted RSA-OAEP block
does not match the hash of the decrypted data block.
8 719 (2CF) The block format (BT) field in the decrypted RSA-OAEP block
does not have the correct value.
8 720 (2D0) The initial byte (I) in the decrypted RSA-OAEP block does not
have a valid value.
8 721 (2D1) The V field in the decrypted RSA-OAEP does not have the
correct value.
8 752 (2F0) The key-storage file path is not usable.
8 753 (2F1) Opening the key-storage file failed.
8 754 (2F2) An internal call to the key_test command failed.
8 756 (2F4) Creation of the key-storage file failed.
8 760 (2F8) An RSA-key modulus length in bits or in bytes is not valid.
8 761 (2F9) An RSA-key exponent length is not valid.
8 762 (2FA) A length in the key value structure is not valid.
8 763 (2FB) The section identification number within a key token is invalid.
Appendix A. Return Codes and Reason Codes A-7