CCA Release 2.54
00 03 The number of bytes of data in the access-control points for this
segment. There are 3 bytes, for the access-control points from 512
through 535.
00 00 A reserved field, which must be filled with zeros.
8F 99 FE This is the second set of access-control points, with one bit
corresponding to each point. Thus, the first byte contains bits 512-519,
the second byte contains 520-527, and the third byte contains 528-535.
Role Data Structure
Figure B-44 shows the contents of a role data structure.
1 62 2a 4e 65 77 2 64 65 66 61 75 6c 74 ....ᑍNew default
2 72 6f 6c 65 2 31 2a ab cd 44 45 46 41 role 1ᑍ....DEFA
55 4c 54 2 23 45 1 f 17 1e 7c 2 ULT #E....|.....
1 17 23 f ff ff ff ff ff ff ff .....#..........
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ................
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 2 2 17 8f ................
99 fe ..
Figure B-44. Role Data Structure
This structure contains the following data fields.
00 01 The role structure version number.
00 62 The length of the role structure, including the length field itself.
“*New default role 1*” The 20 character comment describing this role.
AB CD The checksum for the role.
Note: The checksum value is not used. In future versions of the role
structure, the checksum may be verified in the Cryptographic
00 00 A reserved field, which must be filled with zeros.
“DEFAULT ” The Role ID for this role. The role in this example will replace the
23 45 The Required Authentication Strength field
01 0F The lower time limit. X'01' is the hour, and X'0F' is the minute
(decimal 15), so the lower time limit is 1:15 AM, GMT.
17 1E The upper time limit. X'17' is the hour (decimal 23), and X'1E' is the
minute (30), so the upper time limit is 23:30 GMT.
7C This byte maps the valid days of the week for the role. The first bit
represents Sunday, the second represents Monday, and so on. Hex 7C
is binary 01111100, and enables the weekdays Monday through Friday.
00 This byte is a reserved field, and must be zero.
Access-control-point list The remainder of the role structure contains the
Access-Control-Point list described above.
Appendix B. Data Structures B-39