
CCA Release 2.54
8 16 32 6 63
│Key- │Flags │Control Infor-│ Internal Key │Control Vector│ │ TVV │
│Token │ │mation for │ or
│Type │Using the Key │ External Key │
Miscellaneous control information: token type (null, internal, or external),
token version layout, and other information.
The key value (multiply-enciphered under a key formed by either
the master key or a key-encrypting key that is exclusive-ORed with the
control vector).
The control vector for the key provides information about the permitted
uses of the key.
A token-validation value (TVV), which is a checksum that is used to
validate a token.
Figure 5-6. Key_Token Contents
You can use the Key_Token_Build verb to assemble a key token or use the
Key_Token_Parse verb to disassemble a key token. You can also use application
code to assemble or disassemble a key token. You should keep in mind, however,
that the contents and format of key tokens are version and implementation
sensitive. Key-token formats are described in Appendix B, “Data Structures” on
page B-1.
The cryptographic system uses key labels and external, internal, and null
key-tokens, as shown in Figure 5-7.
External Key_Token
┌────────X'2' eᑍKEK.CV(KEY)│
Internal Key_Token
│ 63
OR ───────X'1' │ eᑍKM.CV(KEY) │
Key_Identifier─────── │ Null Key_Token
│ 63
OR ───────X''
│ 63
└────────Name_Token_1.Name_Token_2. -- .Name_Token_n
The first byte is│
in the range of ├──┘ Key Storage ┌──────────┐
X'2' to X'FE'. │ ─── ───── │
──┘ │ ─── ───── │
│ ─── ───── │
│ ─── ───── │
│ ─── ───── │
│ ─── ───── │
Key_Label─┘ └─Internal Key_Token
Figure 5-7. Use of Key Tokens and Key Labels
Chapter 5. DES Key-Management 5-13