
PKA_Key_Token_Build CCA Release 2.54
The key_values_structure_length parameter is a pointer to an integer variable
containing the number of bytes of data in the key_values_structure variable.
The maximum length is 2500 bytes.
The key_values_structure parameter is a pointer to a string variable containing
a structure of the lengths and data for the components of the key or keys. The
contents of this structure are shown in Figure 3-3, and sample data is
described on page 3-19.
Keyword Meaning
Token type (one required)
RSA-CRT Create a key token for an RSA public-key and a key in
Chinese-Remainder form.
RSA-OPT Note: This keyword is not supported with Version 2 software.
RSA-PRIV Create a key token for an RSA public and private key pair in
modulus-exponent form.
RSA-PUBL Create a key token for an RSA public-key in
modulus-exponent form.
RSA key-usage control (one, optional)
SIG-ONLY Selects a usage control to render the private key usable in
digital-signature operations but not in (DES) key import
operations. This is the default.
KEY-MGMT Selects a usage control that allows an RSA private-key to be
used in distribution of symmetric keys and in digital-signature
KM-ONLY Selects a usage control to render the private key usable in
(DES) key-import operations but not in digital-signature
3-16 IBM 4758 CCA Basic Services, Release 2.54, February 2005