
Key_Test CCA Release 2.54
Key_Test (CSNBKYT)
OS/2 AIX Win NT/
IBM 4758-2/23 X X X X
You use the Key_Test verb to verify the value of a key or key-part. Several
verification algorithms are supported. The verb supports testing of clear keys,
enciphered keys, master keys, and key-parts. The verification pattern and the
verification processes do not reveal the value of an encrypted key, other than
equivalency of two key values.
The verb operates in either a GENERATE or VERIFY mode that you specify with a
rule-array keyword. You also specify the type of key or key-part.
If you test one of the master keys (keywords KEY-KM, KEY-NKM, or KEY-OKM)
you may specify which class of master key to test, either symmetric or asymmetric,
using the SYM-MK and the ASYM-MK rule-array keywords. If you do not select a
master-key class, the verb requires that both selected asymmetric and symmetric
master-keys have the same value. There are three verification methods that apply.
See “Master Key Verification Algorithms” on page D-1.
For historical reasons, the verification information is passed in two 8-byte variables,
random_number and verification_pattern. For simplicity, these variables can be two
8-byte elements of a 16-byte array and processed by your application as a single
quantity. Both parameters must be coded when calling the API.
When the verb generates a verification pattern, it returns information in the
random number and verification pattern variables.
When the verb tests a verification pattern, it uses information supplied in the
random number and verification pattern variables. Supply the verification data
and random number from a previous procedure call to the Key_Test verb. The
verb returns the verification results in the form of a return code. If verification
fails, the verb returns a return code of four and reason code of one.
For certain types of keys, you can specify an alternative key-test algorithm using a
rule-array keyword. The algorithms are explained in “Cryptographic Key Verification
Techniques” on page D-1.
Except for master keys, you can specify the ENC-ZERO algorithm. The
verification information is provided in the four high-order bytes of the verification
pattern variable.
For master keys, you can specify the MDC-4 algorithm.
Specify the type of key or key-part with a rule-array keyword: master key, clear or
enciphered, and so forth.
5-58 IBM 4758 CCA Basic Services, Release 2.54, February 2005