
CCA Release 2.54
The checksum is defined as the exclusive-OR (XOR) of each byte in the profile
structure. The high-order byte of the checksum field is set to zero (X'00'), and the
exclusive-OR result is put in the low-order byte.
Note: The checksum value is not used in the current profile structure. It may be
verified by the Cryptographic Coprocessor with a future version of the profile
Aggregate Profile Structure
For initialization, a set of zero (or more interestingly, one) profile definitions are sent
to the Coprocessor together, in a single data structure. This structure consists of a
header, followed by one or more profile structures as defined in “Profile Structure”
on page B-32.
The header defines the number of profiles which follow in the rest of the structure.
Its layout is shown in Figure B-37, with three concatenated profile structures shown
for illustration.
Bytes Field
4 Number of profiles in aggregate structure
4 │ Reserved
variable│ │ First profile
variable│ │ Second profile
variable│ │ Third profile
Figure B-37. Aggregate Profile Structure with Header
Authentication Data Structure
This section describes the authentication data, which is part of each user profile.
Authentication data is the information the Coprocessor uses to verify your identity
when you log on.
There are two versions of the authentication data structure, corresponding to
profiles versions 1.0 and 1.1. The only difference is in the meaning of the length
field, as described below.
General Structure of Authentication Data: The Authentication Data field is a
series of one or more Authentication Data structures, each containing the data and
parameters for a single authentication method. The field begins with a header,
which contains two data elements.
Length A two-byte integer value defining how many bytes of authentication
information are in the structure. For profile structure version 1.0, the
Length includes all bytes after the Length field itself. For profile
structure version 1.1, the Length includes all bytes after the header,
where the header includes both the Length field and the Field Type
Identifier field.
Field Type Identifier A two-byte integer value which identifies the type of data
following the header. The identifier must be set to the integer value
X'0001', which indicates that the data is of type “Authentication Data.”
Appendix B. Data Structures B-33