CCA Release 2.54
CSUA Cryptographic-node and hardware-control services.
The last three letters in the entry-point name identify the specific service in a group
and are often the first letters of the principal words in the verb pseudonym.
Supported Environments: At the start of each verb description is a table that
describes which CCA implementations support the verb. For example:
The table indicates which models of Coprocessor support the verb and which
operating system platform(s) are supported. An X indicates that the verb is
supported as described.
Description: The verb is described in general terms. Be sure to read the
parameter descriptions as these add additional detail. A Related Information
section appears at the end of the verb material for a very few verbs.
Restrictions: Restrictions are as noted.
Format: The format section in each verb description lists the entry-point name on
the first line in bold type. This is followed by the list of parameters for the verb.
Generally the input/output direction in which the variable identified by the parameter
is passed is listed along with the type of variable (integer or string), and the size,
number, or other special information about the variable.
The format section for each verb lists the parameters after the entry-point name in
the sequence in which they must be coded.
Parameters: All information that is exchanged between your application program
and a verb is through the variables that are identified by the parameters in the
procedure call. These parameters are pointers to the variables contained in
application program storage that contain information to be exchanged with the verb.
Each verb has a fixed-length parameter list, and though all parameters are not
always used by the verb, they must be included in the call. The entry-point name
and the parameters for each verb are shown in the following format:
The first four parameters are the same for all of the verbs. For a description of
these parameters, see “Parameters Common to All Verbs” on page 1-11. The
remaining parameters (parameter_5, parameter_6, ..., parameter_n) are unique for
OS/2 AIX Win NT/
IBM 4758-2/23 X X X X
Parameter name Direction Data
Length of Data
return_code Output Integer
reason_code Output Integer
exit_data_length In/Output Integer
exit_data In/Output String exit_data_length bytes
parameter_5 Direction Data
parameter_6 Direction Data
parameter_n Direction Data
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming for the IBM CCA