
CCA Release 2.54 Clear_PIN_Generate_Alternate
Clear_PIN_Generate_Alternate (CSNBCPA)
OS/2 AIX Win NT/
IBM 4758-2/23 X X X X
The Clear_PIN_Generate_Alternate verb is used to obtain a value, the “O-PIN”
(offset or VISA-PVV), that will relate the institution-assigned PIN to the
customer-known PIN. The verb supports these PIN-calculation methods:
IBM 3624 PIN Offset (IBM-PINO)
Visa PIN Validation Value (VISA-PVV).
You supply the “customer PIN” (C-PIN) as an encrypted PIN-block. The verb:
Decrypts a PIN block
Extracts a customer-selected or institution-assigned PIN (C-PIN)
Generates an A-PIN from the input account number, PIN-generating key, and
so forth
Computes an O-PIN from the C-PIN and the A-PIN; the O-PIN is returned in
the clear.
Note: To generate an O-PIN from a clear C-PIN, see the Clear_PIN_Generate
To use this verb, specify:
An input PIN-block encrypting key used to decrypt the PIN block
A PIN-generating key used to calculate the A-PIN
A PIN profile that describes the PIN block that contains the C-PIN
When using the ISO-0 PIN-block format, personal account number (PAN) data
to be used in extracting the PIN
The encrypted PIN-block that contains the C-PIN
A calculation method and optionally a PIN-extraction method
The length of the O-PIN offset (the verb determines the length of the C-PIN
from the length of the extracted PIN)
A decimalization table and account validation data
A 16-byte variable for the O-PIN.
The verb does the following:
Checks the control vector of the IPINENC key to ensure that the CPINGENA bit
is one
Decrypts the PIN block in ECB mode
Extracts the PIN. The verb uses the PIN-extraction method specified with the
rule_array parameter or the default extraction method for the PIN-block format.
The verb also uses the PIN_check_length variable. Depending on the
PIN-block format specified in the PIN profile, the verb also uses the pad digit
specified in the input_PIN_profile variable or the PAN specified in the
PAN_data variable.
Verifies that the CPINGENA bit is one in the control vector for the PINGEN key
Chapter 8. Financial Services Support Verbs 8-21