
CCA Release 2.54
CVil is the control vector for the left half of the target input PIN-block
encrypting key.
e*KmCViml(KtCVir) e*KmCVimr(KtCVir)
CVir is the control vector for the right half of the target input PIN-block
encrypting key.
2. Use the Key_Token_Build verb to build source (external) and target (internal)
key tokens with:
eKt(Kp) eKt(Kp)
CVil CVil
3. Use Key_Import and the first of the IMPORTER keys to import the left half of
the target key (discard the right half).
4. Use the Key_Token_Build verb to build source (external) and target (internal)
key tokens with:
eKt(Kp) eKt(Kp)
CVir CVir
5. Use Key_Import and the second of the IMPORTER keys to import the right half
of the target key (discard the left half).
6. Concatenate the two key halves. You can use the Key_Token_Parse and
Key_Token_Build verbs to parse and build the required key tokens.
Appendix C. CCA Control-Vector Definitions and Key Encryption C-19