CCA Release 2.54
Key_Record_List Data Set
There are two Key_Record_List verbs, one for the DES key store and one for the
PKA key store. Each creates an internal data set that contains information about
specified key records in key storage. Both verbs return the list in a data set,
KYRLTnnn.LST, where nnn is the numeric portion of the name and nnn starts at
001 and increments to 999 and then wraps back to 001. You locate the data set
using the fully-qualified data-set name returned by the DES_Key_Record_List and
PKA_Key_Record_List verbs.
The data set has a header record, followed by zero to n detail records, where n is
the number of key records with matching key labels.
Figure B-29 (Page 1 of 2). Key-Record-List Data Set Format (Other Than OS/400)
Offset Length Meaning
Header Record (Part 1)
0 24 This field contains the installation-configured listing header (the default value
for the DES key store is DES KEY-RECORD-LIST and for the PKA key store
24 2 This field contains spaces for separation.
26 19 This field contains the date and the time when the list was generated. The
format is ccyy-mm-dd hh:tt:ss, where:
cc Is the century
yy Is the year
mm Is the month
dd Is the day
hh Is the hour
tt Is the minute
ss Is the second.
A space character separates the day and the hour.
45 5 This field contains spaces for separation.
50 6 This field contains the number of detail records.
56 2 This field contains spaces for separation.
58 4 This field contains the length of each detail record, in character form, and
left-justified. (The length is 154.)
62 4 This field contains the offset to the first detail record, in character form, and
left-justified. (The offset is 154.)
66 9 This field is reserved filled with space characters.
75 2 This field contains carriage return/line feed (CR/LF).
Header Record (Part 2)
77 64 This field contains the key-label pattern that you used to request the list.
141 11 This field is reserved filled with space characters.
152 2 This field contains a carriage return or line feeds (CR/LF).
Appendix B. Data Structures B-25