CCA Release 2.54
9. For the IPINENC (inbound) and OPINENC (outbound) PIN-block ciphering
keys, do the following:
Set the TRANSLAT bit (t, bit 21) to 1 to permit the key to be used in the
PIN_Translate verb. The Control_Vector_Generate verb can set the
TRANSLAT bit to 1 when you supply the TRANSLAT keyword.
Set the REFORMAT bit (r, bit 22) to 1 to permit the key to be used in the
PIN_Translate verb. The Control_Vector_Generate verb can set the
REFORMAT bit and the TRANSLAT bit to 1 when you supply the
REFORMAT keyword.
10. For the cryptographic variable-encrypting keys (bits 18 to 22), set the
variable-type bits (bits 18 to 22) to one of the following values:
11. For KEYGENKY key-generating keys, set the following bits:
Set bit 19 to 1 if the key will be used in the Diversified_Key_Generate
(CSNBDKG) verb to generate a diversified key.
Bit 18 is reserved for Unique Key Per Transaction (UKPT) usage.
12. For DKYGENKY key-generating keys that are used in the TDES-ENC or
TDES-DEC mode of the Diversified_Key_Generate (CSNBDKG) verb, set bits
19 to 22 according to the type of final key that shall be obtained:
Verb Allowed Bit Name Bit
Clear_PIN_Generate CPINGEN 18
Encrypted_PIN_Generate_Alternate EPINGENA 19
Encrypted_PIN_Generate EPINGEN 20 for PINGEN
19 for OPINENC
Clear_PIN_Generate_Alternate CPINGENA 21 for PINGEN
20 for IPINENC
Encrypted_Pin_Verify EPINVER 19
Clear_PIN_Encrypt CPINENC 18
18 to 22
Key Type Description
00000 CVARPINE Used in the Encrypted_PIN_Generate_Alternate verb to
encrypt a clear PIN.
00010 CVARXCVL Used in the Control_Vector_Translate verb to decrypt
the left mask array.
00011 CVARXCVR Used in the Control_Vector_Translate verb to decrypt
the right mask array.
00100 CVARENC Used in the Cryptographic_Variable_Encipher verb to
encrypt an unformatted PIN.
C-10 IBM 4758 CCA Basic Services, Release 2.54, February 2005