
CCA Release 2.54 PKA_Key_Token_Build
Figure 3-3 (Page 1 of 2). PKA_Key_Token_Build Key-Values-Structure Contents
RSA key-values structure, modulus-exponent form (RSA-PRIV or RSA-PUBL)
000 002 Length of the modulus in bits (512 to 1024 for RSA-PRIV, 512 to 2048
002 002 Length of the modulus field, n, in bytes, “nnn.” This value must not
exceed 256 for a 2048 bit-length key.
This value should be zero when preparing a skeleton key token for use
with the PKA_Key_Generate verb.
004 002 Public exponent field length in bytes, “eee.”
This value should be zero when preparing a skeleton key token to
generate a random-exponent public key in the PKA_Key_Generate verb.
This value must not exceed 256.
006 002 Private exponent field length in bytes, “ddd.” This value can be zero
indicating that private key information is not provided. This value must
not exceed 256.
008 nnn Modulus, n, integer value, 1<n<2
; n=pq for prime p and prime q.
8+nnn eee Public exponent field, e, integer value, 1<e<n, e must be odd. When
you are building a skeleton_key_token to control the generation of an
RSA key pair, the public key exponent can be one of three values: 3,
65537 (2
+1), or 0 (zero) to indicate that a full-random exponent
should be generated. The exponent field can be a null-length field
when preparing a skeleton_key_token.
ddd Private exponent, d, integer value, 1<d<n, d=e
RSA key-values structure, Chinese Remainder form (RSA-CRT)
000 002 Length of the modulus in bits (512 to 2048).
002 002 Length of the modulus field, n, in bytes, “nnn.”
This value can be zero if the key token will be used as a
skeleton_key_token in the PKA_Key_Generate verb.
This value must not exceed 256.
004 002 Length of the public exponent field, e, in bytes: “eee.”
This value should be zero when preparing a skeleton key token to
generate a random-exponent public key in the PKA_Key_Generate verb.
This value must not exceed 256.
006 002 Reserved, binary zero.
008 002 Length of the prime number field, p, in bytes: “ppp.” (Can be zero in a
skeleton_key_token.) The maximum value of ppp+qqq is 256 bytes.
010 002 Length of the prime number field, q, in bytes: “qqq.” (Can be zero in a
skeleton_key_token.) The maximum value of ppp+qqq is 256 bytes.
012 002 Length of the d
field, in bytes: “rrr.” (Can be zero in a
skeleton_key_token.) The maximum value of rrr+sss is 256 bytes.
014 002 Length of the d
field, in bytes: “sss.” (Can be zero in a
skeleton_key_token.) The maximum value of rrr+sss is 256 bytes.
016 002 Length of the U field, in bytes: “uuu.” (Can be zero in a
skeleton_key_token.) The maximum length of U is 256 bytes.
All length fields are in binary
All binary fields (exponents, lengths, and so forth) are stored with the high-order byte first
(left, low-address, big endian, S/390 format).
Chapter 3. RSA Key-Management