
CCA Release 2.54
The MAC control bits (bits 20 and 21). For a MAC generation key, set bits
20 and 21 to B'11'. For a MAC verification key, set bits 20 and 21 to
The key-form bits (fff, bits 40 to 42). For a single-length key, set the bits to
B'000'. For a double-length key, set the bits to B'010'.
6. For SECMSG keys, set one or both of the following bits:
Set the SMKEY bit (k, bit 18) to enable this key-type to operate in secure
message services that imbed a key.
Set the SMPIN bit (p, bit 19) to enable this key-type to operate in secure
message services that imbed a PIN.
“Secure message services,” verbs Secure_Messaging_for_Keys and
Secure_Messaging_for_PINs, as used with for example EMV smart cards, are
currently only supported in the IBM eServer iSeries release 2.50 CCA support.
7. For PINGEN and PINVER keys, set the following bits:
The PIN-calculation method bits (aaaa, bits 0 to 3). Set these bits to one
of the following values:
The prohibit-offset bit (o, bit 37) to restrict operations to the PIN value. If
set to 1, this bit prevents operation with the IBM 3624 PIN Offset
calculation method and the IBM German Bank Pool PIN Offset
8. For PINGEN, IPINENC, and OPINENC keys, set bits 18 to 22 to indicate
whether the key can be used with the following verbs; for the bit numbers, see
Figure C-3 on page C-5:
Bits 0
to 3
0000 NO-SPEC A key with this control vector can be used with any
PIN-calculation method.
0001 IBM-PIN or
A key with this control vector can be used only with the IBM
PIN or PIN Offset calculation-method.
0010 VISA-PVV A key with this control vector can be used only with the
VISA-PVV calculation-method.
0100 GBP-PIN
A key with this control vector can be used only with the
German Banking Pool PIN or PIN Offset
0011 INBK-PIN A key with this control vector can be used only with the
Interbank PIN-calculation method.
0101 NL-PIN-1 A key with this control vector can be used only with the
NL-PIN-1, Netherlands PIN-calculation method.
Appendix C. CCA Control-Vector Definitions and Key Encryption C-9