
CCA Release 2.54
1   5a 2d 2 53 61 6d 7 6c 65 2 5 72 6f ...Z- Sample Pro
66 69 6c 65 2 31 2 2d ab cd   4a 5f 53 6d file 1 -....J_Sm
69 74 68 2 41 44 4d 49 4e 31 2 2 7 cd 6 1 ith ADMIN1 ....
7 cd c 1f  24  1  2  1 1 8 7 ce ....."... ......
6 1 8    fb f5 c4 84 75 5f ba 59 6b ca ..........u_.Yk.
4a 9d ca 8 fb 52 9e e2 45 41 J....R..EA
Figure B-41. User Profile Data Structure
This user profile contains the following fields.
01 00 The profile structure version number. For a version 1.1 profile structure,
this would have the value 01 01.
00 5A The length of the profile, including the length field itself. Hex 5A is
equal to decimal 90.
“- Sample Profile 1 -” The 20 character comment for this user profile.
AB CD The checksum for the user profile.
Note: The checksum value is not used. In future versions of the profile
structure, the checksum may be verified in the Cryptographic
00 The logon failure count.
00 Reserved field, which must be zero.
“J_Smith The user ID for this profile.
“ADMIN1 The role that will define the authority associated with this profile.
07 CD The year of the profile's activation date. Hex 07CD is equal to decimal
06 01 The month and day of the profile's activation date. This represents June
07 CD The year of the profile's expiration date. Hex 07CD is equal to decimal
0C 1F the month and day of the profile's expiration date. Hex 0C is equal to
decimal 12, and hex 1F is equal to decimal 31, so the profile expires on
December 31.
00 22 The total length of all the authentication data for this profile, not
including the length of this field itself.
00 01 The field type identifier, indicating that the following data is
Authentication Data.
Passphrase data The remainder of the field is the passphrase data structure, as
described above.
Aggregate Profile Structure
Figure B-42 on page B-38 shows the aggregate profile structure, containing one
user profile. This is the structure that is passed to the CSUAACI verb in order to
load one or more user profiles.
Appendix B. Data Structures B-37