CCA Release 2.54
OPINENC (output PIN-block encrypting) key type
The PIN verbs that encrypt a PIN block require the encrypting key to
have a control vector that specifies an OPINENC key type.
KEYGENKY (unique-key-per-transaction base key-generating key) key type
The Encrypted_PIN_Translate and Encrypted_PIN_Verify verbs can
derive a unique key from the KEYGENKY derivation key and
current-key-serial-number to decrypt or encrypt a PIN block.
Supporting Multiple PIN-Calculation Methods
The PIN verbs support multiple PIN-calculation methods. You use a data_array
variable to supply information that a PIN-calculation method requires.
PIN-Calculation Methods
A PIN-calculation method determines the value of an A-PIN in relationship to an
account number. The methods are described in “PIN-Calculation Methods” on
page E-2. The PIN verbs support the following PIN-calculation methods, which you
specify with a keyword in the rule_array variable for a verb:
PIN-Calculation Method Keyword
IBM 3624 PIN Offset IBM-PINO
Netherlands PIN-1 NL-PIN-1
IBM German Bank Pool Institution PIN GBP-PIN
VISA PIN-Validation Value (PVV) VISA-PVV
Interbank PIN INBK-PIN
To supply the information that a PIN-calculation method requires, the PIN verbs use
a data_array variable. Depending on the calculation method and the verb, the data
array elements can include a decimalization table, validation data, an offset or clear
PIN, or transaction security data.
The data array is a 48-byte string made up of three consecutive 16-byte character
strings. Each element must be 16 bytes in length, uppercase, left-justified, and
padded on the right with space characters. Some PIN-calculation methods and
verbs do not require all three elements. However, all three elements must be
Data Array with IBM-PIN, IBM-PINO, NL-PIN-1, GBP-PIN: When using the
IBM-PIN, the IBM-PINO, the NL-PIN-1, or GBP-PIN method, the data array
contains elements for a decimalization table, validation data, and for certain verbs,
a clear PIN or an offset.
The first element in the data array for a PIN-calculation method points to the
decimalization table of 16 characters that are used to map the hexadecimal
digits (X'0' to X'F') of the encrypted validation data to decimal digits (X'0' to
8-8 IBM 4758 CCA Basic Services, Release 2.54, February 2005