CCA Release 2.54
Figure B-21. RSA Public-Key Certificate(s) Signature Subsection
000 001 X'45', Signature Subsection Header
001 001 The version number (X'00')
002 002 Subsection length, 70+sss
004 001 Hashing algorithm identifier; X'01' signifies use of the SHA-1 hashing
005 001 Signature formatting identifier; X'01' signifies use of the ISO 9796-1 process
006 064 Signature-key identifier; the key label of the key used to generate the
070 sss The signature field
The signature is calculated on data that begins with the Signature Section
Identifier (X'40') through the byte immediately preceding this signature field.
Note: More than one Signature Subsection can be included in a Signature Section; this
accommodates the possibility of a self-signature as well as a device-key signature.
Note: See “Number Representation in PKA Key-Tokens” on page B-8.
Appendix B. Data Structures B-19