CCA Release 2.54 Key_Encryption_Translate
| key_out_length
| The key_out_length parameter points to an integer variable. On input, you
| should set the variable to at least 64 for the CBCTOECB translation or to at
| least 16 for the ECBTOCBC translation. On successful completion, the verb
| will set the variable to the length of the returned key_out variable.
| key_out
| The key_out parameter points to a string variable. The verb returns the
| encrypted key in either a CCA external DATA key-token with an all-zero control
| vector or a 16-byte string.
| Required Commands
| The Key_Encryption_Translate verb requires the following commands to be enabled
| in the active role based on the keyword specified in the rule array.
| For CBCTOECB translation, enable the Translate Key from CBC to ECB
| command (offset X'030D').
| For ECBTOCBC translation, enable the Translate Key from ECB to CBC
| command (offset X'030E').
Chapter 8. Financial Services Support Verbs 8-51