
CVV_Verify CCA Release 2.54
OS/2 AIX Win NT/
IBM 4758-2/23 X X X X
The CVV_Verify verb supports the VISA card-verification value (CVV) and the
MasterCard card-verification code (CVC) process as defined for track 2 by verifying
a CVV. For details about the CVV process, see “CVV and CVC Method” on
page E-16
The verb generates a CVV value internal to the Coprocessor based on the
information you identify with the PAN_data, the expiration_date, and the
service_code parameters. The verb uses the key-A and key-B keys to
cryptographically process this information. Based on your use of the CVV-n
rule-array keywords, the internal CVV value is truncated to fewer characters and
padded on the right with space characters. The internal CVV value is compared to
the five-character value that you identify with the CVV_value parameter. The result
of this comparison is indicated in the return code. If the return code is zero, the
values correctly compared. If the CVV values do not match, the return code is set
to four (and the reason code is set to one).
The control vectors supplied with key-A and key-B must indicate either a
MAC-class, a MACVER-class, or a DATA-class key type. The subtype bit field in
the control vectors can be B'0000'. Alternatively, you can ensure that the keys
are used only in the CVV_Generate and CVV_Verify verbs by specifying a
MACVER-class key with subtype bits for key-A as B'0010' and for key-B as
B'0011'. For more information about control vectors, see Appendix C, “CCA
Control-Vector Definitions and Key Encryption.”
return_code Output Integer
reason_code Output Integer
exit_data_length In/Output Integer
exit_data In/Output String exit_data_length bytes
rule_array_count Input Integer zero, one, or two
rule_array Input String
rule_array_count * 8 bytes
PAN_data Input String 16 bytes
expiration_date Input String 4 bytes
service_code Input String 3 bytes
CVV_key-A_identifier Input String 64 bytes
CVV_key-B_identifier Input String 64 bytes
CVV_value Input String 5 bytes
8-30 IBM 4758 CCA Basic Services, Release 2.54, February 2005