
Encrypted_PIN_Translate CCA Release 2.54
key serial number, and then uses ANSI X9.24-specified “special decryption.”
Checks the control vector to ensure that for an IPINENC key that the
TRANSLAT bit is valued to one for translate mode and/or the REFORMAT bit is
valued to one for reformat mode, or for a KEYGENKY key that the UKPT bit is
valued to one. Likewise the OPINENC key must have one or both of the
TRANSLAT and REFORMAT bits set appropriate to the requested mode.
In reformat mode, the verb performs these additional steps:
Extracts the PIN from the specified PIN-block format using the method
specified by default or by a rule-array keyword. If required by the
PIN-block format, PAN data will be used in the extraction process.
Formats the extracted-PIN into the format declared for the output
PIN-block. As required by the PIN-block format, the verb incorporates PAN
data, sequence number, and pad character information in formatting the
Encrypts the output PIN-block by using the supplied OPINENC key in ECB
mode, or derives the decryption key using the specified KEYGENKY key and
output current key serial number and uses ANSI X9.24-specified “special
encryption.” The TRANSLAT bit must be valued to one in the OPINENC control
vector, or the UKPT bit must be valued to one in the KEYGENKY control
Some CCA implementations may enforce a specific order of the rule array
keywords with this verb; see product-specific literature.
Previous editions of this manual incorrectly described the CKSN as requiring
space-character padding. Pad the CKSN with four bytes of X'00'.
return_code Output Integer
reason_code Output Integer
exit_data_length In/Output Integer
exit_data In/Output String exit_data_length bytes
input_PIN_encrypting_key_identifier Input String 64 bytes
output_PIN_encrypting_key_identifier Input String 64 bytes
input_PIN_profile Input String
24 or 48 bytes
input_PAN_data Input String 12 bytes
input_PIN_block Input String 8 bytes
rule_array_count Input Integer one, two, or three
rule_array Input String
rule_array_count * 8 bytes
output_PIN_profile Input String
24 or 48 bytes
output_PAN_data Input String 12 bytes
sequence_number Input Integer
output_PIN_block Output String 8 bytes
8-38 IBM 4758 CCA Basic Services, Release 2.54, February 2005