CCA Release 2.54 Encrypted_PIN_Translate
For the definitions of the return_code, reason_code, exit_data_length, and exit_data
parameters, see “Parameters Common to All Verbs” on page 1-11.
The input_PIN_encrypting_key_identifier parameter is a pointer to a string
variable containing an internal key-token or a key label of an internal key-token
record in key storage.
If you do not use the unique-key-per-transaction process, the internal key-token
must contain the input PIN-block encrypting key to be used to decrypt the input
PIN-block. The control vector in the key token must specify the IPINENC
key-type and have one or both of the TRANSLAT and REFORMAT bits set to
one as appropriate to the requested mode.
If you use the unique-key-per-transaction process for the input PIN-block,
specify the base derivation key as a KEYGENKY key-type with the UKPT bit
valued to one.
The output_PIN_encrypting_key_identifier parameter is a pointer to a string
variable containing an internal key-token or a key label of an internal key-token
record in key storage.
If you do not use the unique-key-per-transaction process, the internal key-token
must contain the output PIN-block encrypting key to be used to encrypt the
output PIN-block. The control vector in the key token must specify the
OPINENC key-type and have one or both of the TRANSLAT and REFORMAT
bits set to one as appropriate to the requested mode.
If you use the unique-key-per-transaction process for the output PIN-block,
specify the base derivation key as a KEYGENKY key-type with the UKPT bit
valued to one.
The input_PIN_profile parameter is a pointer to a string variable containing
three 8-byte character strings with information defining the PIN-block format,
and optionally an additional 24 bytes containing the input current key serial
number (CKSN). The strings are equivalent to 24-byte or 48-byte strings. For
more information about a PIN profile, see “PIN Profile” on page 8-10.
The input_PAN_data parameter is a pointer to a string variable containing the
personal account number (PAN) data. The verb uses this data to recover the
PIN from the PIN block if you specify the REFORMAT keyword and the input
PIN profile specifies the ISO-0 keyword for the PIN-block format.
Note: When using the ISO-0 format, use the 12 rightmost digits of PAN,
excluding the check digit.
The input_PIN_block parameter is a pointer to a string variable containing the
encrypted PIN-block.
The rule_array_count parameter is a pointer to an integer variable containing
the number of elements in the rule_array variable. This value must be one,
two, or three for this verb.
Chapter 8. Financial Services Support Verbs 8-39