
CCA Release 2.54
Commonly Encountered Parameters
Some parameters are common to all verbs, other parameters are used with many
of the verbs. This section describes several groups of these parameters:
Parameters common to all verbs
Rule_array and other keyword parameters
Key_identifiers, key_labels, and key_tokens.
Parameters Common to All Verbs
The first four parameters (return_code, reason_code, exit_data_length, and
exit_data) are the same for all verbs. A parameter is an address pointer to the
associated variable in application storage.
The return_code parameter is a pointer to an integer value that expresses the
general results of processing. See “Return Code and Reason Code Overview”
for more information about return codes
The reason_code parameter is a pointer to an integer value that expresses the
specific results of processing. Each possible result is assigned a unique
reason code value. See “Return Code and Reason Code Overview” for more
information about reason codes.
The exit_data_length parameter is a pointer to an integer value containing the
length of the string (in bytes) that is returned by the exit_data value. The
exit_data_length parameter should point to a value of zero to ensure
compatibility with any future extension or other operating environment.
The exit_data parameter is a pointer to a variable-length string that contains
installation-exit-dependent data that is exchanged with a preprocessing user
exit or a post-processing user exit.
Note: The IBM 4758 CCA Support Program does not currently support user
exits. The exit_data_length and exit_data variables must be declared in the
parameter list. The exit_data_length parameter should be set to zero to ensure
compatibility with any future extension or other operating environment.
Return Code and Reason Code Overview: The return code provides a general
indication of the results of verb processing and is the value that your application
program should use in determining the course of further processing. The reason
code provides more specific information about the outcome of verb processing.
Note that reason code values generally differ between CCA product
implementations. Therefore, the reason code values should generally be returned
to individuals who can understand the implications in the context of your application
on a specific platform.
The return codes have these general meanings:
return_code Output Integer
reason_code Output Integer
exit_data_length In/Output Integer
exit_data In/Output String exit_data_length bytes
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming for the IBM CCA