
CCA Release 2.54
National Institute of Science and Technology
(NIST). This is the current name for the US National
Bureau of Standards.
network. (1) A configuration of data-processing
devices and software programs connected for
information interchange. (2) An arrangement of nodes
and connecting branches. (T)
Network Security Processor (IBM 4753). The IBM
4753 is a processor that uses the Data Encryption
Algorithm to provide cryptographic support for systems
requiring secure transaction processing (and other
cryptographic services) at the host computer.
node. In a network, a point at which one-or-more
functional units connect channels or data circuits. (I)
Operating System/2 (OS/2). OS/2 is an operating
system for the IBM Personal System/2 computers.
Operating System/400 (OS/400). OS/400 is an
operating system for the IBM eServer iSeries, formerly
known as Application System/400 computers.
panel. The complete set of information shown in a
single image on a display station screen.
parameter. In the CCA security API, an address
pointer passed to a verb to address a variable
exchanged between an application program and the
password. In computer security, a string of characters
known to the computer system and a user; the user
must specify it to gain full or limited access to a system
and to the data stored within it.
Personal Identification Number (PIN). In some
financial-transaction-authentication systems, the PIN is
the secret number given to a consumer with an
identification card. This number is selected by the
consumer, or it is assigned by the financial institution.
profile ID. In the CCA implementation, the value used
to access a profile within the CCA access-control
plaintext. (1) Data that has nor been altered by a
cryptographic process. (2) Synonym for cleartext. See
also ciphertext.
Power-On Self Test (POST). POST is a series of
diagnostic tests run automatically by a device when the
power is turned on.
private key. (1) In computer security, a key that is
known only to the owner and used together with a
public-key algorithm to decipher data. The data is
enciphered using the related public key. (2) Contrast
with public key. (3) See also public-key algorithm.
procedure call. In programming languages, a
language construct for invoking execution of a
procedure. (I) A procedure call usually includes an
entry name and possible parameters.
profile. Data that describes the significant
characteristics of a user, a group of users, or
one-or-more computer resources.
Programmed Cryptographic Facility (PCF). PCF is
an IBM licensed program that provides facilities for
enciphering and deciphering data and for creating,
maintaining, and managing cryptographic keys.
protocol. (1) A set of semantic and syntactic rules
that determines the behavior of functional units in
achieving communication. (I) (2) In SNA, the meanings
of and the sequencing rules for requests and responses
used to manage the network, transfer data, and
synchronize the states of network components. (3) A
specification for the format and relative timing of
information exchanged between communicating parties.
public key. (1) In computer security, a key that is
widely known, and used with a public-key algorithm to
encrypt data. The encrypted data can be decrypted
only with the related private key. (2) Contrast with
private key. (3) See also public-key algorithm.
Public-Key Algorithm (PKA). (1) In computer
security, PKA is an asymmetric cryptographic process
that uses a public key to encrypt data and a related
private key to decrypt data. (2) Contrast with Data
Encryption Algorithm and Data Encryption Standard
algorithm. (3) See also Rivest-Shamir-Adleman
public-key hardware. That portion of the security
module in an IBM 4758 that performs
modulus-exponentiation arithmetic.
Random Access Memory (RAM). RAM is a storage
device into which data are entered and from which data
are retrieved in a non-sequential manner.
Read-Only Memory (ROM). ROM is memory in which
stored data cannot be modified by the user except
under special conditions.
Glossary X-7