Secure_Messaging_for_PINs CCA Release 2.54
The input_PIN_block parameter is a pointer to an eight-byte string variable
containing the input, encrypted PIN-block.
The PIN_encrypting_key_identifier parameter is a pointer to a string variable
containing an internal key-token or the key label of an internal key-token in key
storage. The key is used to decipher the input PIN block and must be an
IPINENC key-type.
The input_PIN_profile parameter is a pointer to a string variable containing
three 8-byte character strings with information defining the input PIN-block
format. See “PIN Profile” on page 8-10. The verb supports PIN block formats
ISO-0, ISO-1, and ISO-2.
The input_PAN_data parameter is a pointer to a string variable containing the
personal account number (PAN) data. The verb uses the PAN data when it
must output the PIN in a different PIN-block format and the input format is
ISO-0. (You supply the 12 rightmost PAN digits, excluding the check digit.)
The secmsg_key_identifier parameter is a pointer to a string variable containing
an internal key-token, or the key label of an internal key-token in key storage.
The control vector must specify a SECMSG type key with the SMPIN
control-vector bit (bit 19) on.
The output_PIN_profile parameter is a pointer to a string variable containing
three 8-byte character strings with information defining the output PIN-block
format. See “PIN Profile” on page 8-10. The verb supports PIN block formats
ISO-0, ISO-1, and ISO-2.
The output_PAN_data parameter is a pointer to a string variable containing the
personal account number (PAN) data. The verb uses the PAN data when it
must output the PIN in a different PIN-block format and the output format is
ISO-0. (You supply the 12 rightmost PAN digits, excluding the check digit.)
Keyword Meaning
Enciphering mode (one, optional)
TDES-CBC Use CBC mode to encipher the clear_text. This is the default.
TDES-ECB Use ECB mode to encipher the clear_text.
PIN encryption (one, optional)
CLEARPIN Do not encrypt the PIN block prior to encrypting the complete
text message. This is the default.
SELFENC Append the PIN-block self-encrypted to the clear PIN block
within the unencrypted output message. See “PIN-Block
Self-encryption” on page E-19.
8-64 IBM 4758 CCA Basic Services, Release 2.54, February 2005