
CCA Release 2.54 Encrypted_PIN_Generate
Encrypted_PIN_Generate (CSNBEPG)
OS/2 AIX Win NT/
IBM 4758-2/23 X X X X
The Encrypted_PIN_Generate verb generates and formats a PIN and encrypts the
PIN block. To generate the PIN, the verb uses one of the following PIN calculation
IBM 3624 PIN
IBM German Bank Pool Institution PIN
Interbank PIN.
To format the PIN, the verb uses one of the following PIN-block formats:
IBM 3624
ISO-0 (same as ANSI X9.8, VISA-1, and ECI-1 formats)
ISO-1 (same as the ECI-4 format)
You can use the Encrypted_PIN_Generate verb to generate a PIN and create an
encrypted PIN-block for transmission or for later use in a PIN verification database.
Note: To generate a clear PIN, use the Clear_PIN_Generate verb.
To generate and format a PIN and encrypt the PIN block, specify the following:
An internal key-token or a key label of an internal key-token record that
contains the PIN-generating key with the PIN_generating_key_identifier
parameter. The control vector in the key token must specify the PINGEN
key-type and have the EPINGEN bit set to one.
An internal key-token or a key label of an internal key-token record that
contains the key to be used to encrypt the PIN block with the
outbound_PIN_encrypting_key_identifier parameter. The control vector in the
key token must specify the OPINENC key-type and have the EPINGEN bit set
to one.
One for the number of rule_array elements with the rule_array_count variable.
The PIN-calculation method with a keyword in the rule_array variable.
The length of the PIN for those PIN-calculation methods with variable-length
PINs in the PIN_length variable. (Otherwise, the variable should be valued to
A decimalization table and account validation data with the data_array
parameter. For information about a decimalization table and calculation
methods, see “PIN-Calculation Methods” on page E-2. For information about
the data-array variable, see “Data_Array” on page 8-8.
A PIN profile that specifies the format of the PIN block to be created, the level
of format control, and any pad digit with the output_PIN_profile parameter. For
more information about the PIN profile, see “PIN-Block Formats” on page E-9.
One of the following with the PAN_data parameter:
Chapter 8. Financial Services Support Verbs 8-33