
CCA Release 2.54
listing keys 7-22
loading a master key 2-59, 2-64
Logging on and logging off 2-7
logon context information 2-8
Logon Control (CSUALCT) 2-52
Logon_Control (CSUALCT) 2-52
m-of-n master-key shares 2-14
MAC_Generate (CSNBMGN) 6-3
MAC_Verify (CSNBMVR) 6-3
MACVER key type, MAC_Verify verb 5-7
DES keys
Common Cryptographic Architecture 5-1
mask array preparation C-20
master key 1-4
cloning, 2-15
current master-key 2-12
environment identifier 2-15
establishing 2-13
Introduction of master-key parts 2-13
m-of-n 2-14
master-key cloning 2-14
multi-Coprocessor considerations 2-17
new master-key 2-12
old master-key 2-12
Random generation of a new master-key 2-14
shares 2-14
symmetric and asymmetric 2-13
understanding and managing master keys 2-12
master-key cloning 2-14
master-key loading 2-50, 2-59, 2-64
master-key verification pattern 2-12
Master_Key_Distribution (CSUAMKD) 2-55
Master_Key_Process (CSNBMKP) 2-59
MasterCard, CVC 8-27, 8-30, E-16
MDC keyed hash 4-12
0S/400 support 2-11, 2-17, 2-18
AIX, Windows and OS/2 support 2-11
capability 2-10
CCA host implementation 2-11
master key considerations 2-17
multiple PIN-calculation methods 8-8
multiply-deciphered keys 5-4, 5-18
multiply-enciphered keys 5-3, 5-16
non-repudiation 1-1
null key-token 5-14, B-2
object protection key (OPK) B-13, B-14
OCV (output chaining value) D-7
OP (operational) keys 5-4, 5-18
operating environments 1-8
operational (OP) keys 5-18
operational keys (OP) 5-4
OPK, object protection key B-13, B-14
output chaining value (OCV) D-7
overlapped processing restrictions 1-7
pad digit 8-11
PAN (personal account number) 8-13
parity, key 5-4
parity, key parts 5-54
personal account number (PAN) 8-13
PIN block-encrypting key 8-7
PIN-class keys 5-8, 5-10
PIN-processing 1-1
PKA_Key_Record_Delete (CSNDKRD) 7-13
PKA_Key_Record_List(CSNDKRL) 7-15
PKA_Key_Record_Read (CSNDKRR) 7-17
PKA_Key_Record_Write (CSNDKRW) 7-19
PKA_Key_Token_Change (CSNDKTC) 3-22
PKCS #1 formats D-19
pre-exclusive-OR technique C-16
private key
Integrity B-8
OPK, object protection key B-13, B-14
procedure calls 1-8
processing a master key 2-59, 2-64
processing overlap 1-7
Overview 2-4
Passphrase verification protocol D-16
Passphrases 2-7
personal identification number (PIN)
PIN profile 8-10
Profile data structures B-32
Verbs for initialization and management 2-5
pseudonyms 1-8, F-1
Random generation of a new master-key 2-14
Random_Number_Generate (CSNBRNG) 5-91
Random_Number_Tests (CSUARNT) 2-64
reason codes A-1
reason_code parameter 1-11
record-validation value (RVV) B-2
X-16 IBM 4758 CCA Basic Services, Release 2.54, February 2005