CCA Release 2.54
reenciphering keys 3-22
replicated key-half
export restriction 5-34, 5-42, 5-52
export restriction an EXPORTER transport key 5-31
Required Commands
Description B-30
List of access-control-point codes G-1
Overview 2-3
Retained_Key_Delete (CSNDRKD) 7-21
Retained_Key_List (CSNDRKL) 7-22
return_code parameter 1-11
roles, access control
Default role 2-3
Overview 2-2
Role data structures B-29
Verbs for initialization and management 2-5
RSA key-pair generation D-15
rule_array parameter description 1-12
RVV (record-validation value) B-2
secure-messaging-class keys 5-7
security precautions 5-21
segmented data 6-3
selecting a Coprocessor resource 2-44, 2-46
selecting key storage 2-48
self encryption, EMV related PIN block E-19
smart-card PIN transport E-17
special encryption E-15
split-knowledge security policy 5-55
Supported environment descriptor 1-9
symmetric and asymmetric master-keys 2-13
symmetric keys 5-5
tests, control vectors C-20
token-validation value (TVV) 5-13, B-2
Transaction_Validation verb (CSNBTRV) 8-75
transport key B-1
trial pin 8-3
TVV (token-validation value) 5-13, B-2
UKPT (unique key per transaction) 8-37, 8-42
understanding and managing master keys 2-12
current master-key 2-12
new master-key 2-12
old master-key 2-12
unique key per transaction (UKPT) 8-37, 8-42
unique-key-per-transaction E-13
validation data 8-8
common parameters
exit_data 1-11
exit_data_length 1-11
reason_code 1-11
return_code 1-11
rule_array 1-12
data confidentiality 6-1
data integrity 6-1
descriptions 1-8
direction 1-11
entry-point names 1-8
list of 1-8
parameters 1-11
procedure calls 1-8
processing A-1
pseudonyms 1-8, F-1
reason codes A-1
return codes A-1
supported environments 1-8
type 1-11
variables 1-11
verification pattern 5-15
Visa, CVV 8-27, 8-30, E-16
refid-emv.EMV PIN-block E-17
X3.106 (CBC) method D-7
X9.31 hash format D-19
Index X-17