
CCA Release 2.54
Figure A-4 (Page 2 of 6). Reason Codes for Return Code 8
Dec (Hex)
8 063 (03F) A key token had an invalid token header (for example, not an
internal token).
8 064 (040) The RSA key is not permitted to perform the requested
operation. Likely causes are key distribution usage is not
enabled for the key.
8 065 (041) The key token failed consistency checking.
8 066 (042) The recovered encryption block failed validation checking.
8 067 (043) RSA encryption failed.
8 068 (044) RSA decryption failed.
8 072 (048) The value that the size parameter specifies is not valid (too
small, too large, negative, or zero).
8 081 (051) The modulus length (key size) exceeds the allowable
8 085 (055) The date or the time value is not valid.
8 090 (05A) Access control checking failed. See the Required Commands
descriptions for the failing verb.
8 091 (05B) The time sent in your logon request was more than five
minutes different from the clock in the secure module.
8 092 (05C) Your user profile has expired.
8 093 (05D) Your user profile has not yet reached its activation date.
8 094 (05E) Your authentication data (for example, passphrase) has
8 095 (05F) Access to the data is not authorized.
8 096 (060) An error occurred reading or writing the secure clock.
8 100 (064) The PIN length is not valid.
8 101 (065) The PIN check length is not valid. It must be in the range
from 4 to the PIN length inclusive.
8 102 (066) The value of the decimalization table is not valid.
8 103 (067) The value of the validation data is not valid.
8 104 (068) The value of the customer-selected PIN is not valid, or the PIN
length does not match the value supplied with the PIN_length
parameter or defined by the PIN-block format specified in the
PIN profile.
8 105 (069) The value of the transaction_security_parameter is not valid.
8 106 (06A) The PIN-block format keyword is not valid.
8 107 (06B) The format control keyword is not valid.
8 108 (06C) The value or the placement of the padding data is not valid.
8 109 (06D) The extraction method keyword is not valid.
8 110 (06E) The value of the PAN data is not numeric character data.
8 111 (06F) The sequence number is not valid.
8 112 (070) The PIN offset is not valid.
8 114 (072) The PVV value is not valid.
8 116 (074) The clear PIN value is not valid. For example, digits other
than 0, ..., 9 were found.
8 120 (078) An origin or destination identifier is not valid.
8 121 (079) The value of the inbound_key or source_key parameter is not
8 122 (07A) The value of the inbound_KEK_count or outbound_count
parameter is not valid.
8 125 (07D) A PKA92-encrypted key having the same EID as the local
node cannot be imported.
8 153 (099) The text length exceeds the system limits.
8 154 (09A) The key token that the key_identifier parameter specifies is not
an internal key token or a key label.
Appendix A. Return Codes and Reason Codes A-5