CCA Release 2.54
Aggregate Role Structure
A set of zero one or more role definitions are sent in a single data structure. This
structure consists of a header, followed by one or more role structures as defined in
“Basic Structure of a Role” on page B-29.
The header defines the number of roles which follow in the rest of the structure. Its
layout is shown in Figure B-32, with three concatenated role structures shown for
Bytes Field
4 │ │ Number of roles in aggregate structure
4 │ │ Reserved
variable│ │ First role
variable│ │ Second role
variable│ │ Third role
Figure B-32. Aggregate Role Structure with Header
Access-Control-Point List
The user's permissions are attached to each Role in the form of an
Access-Control-Point list. This list is a map of bits, with one bit for each primitive
function that can be independently controlled. If a bit is True (1), the user has the
authority to use the corresponding function, if all other access conditions are also
satisfied. If the bit is False (0), the user is not permitted to make use of the
function that bit represents.
The access-control-point identifiers are two byte integers. This provides a total
space of 64K possible bits. Only a small fraction of these are used, so storing the
entire 64K bit (8K byte) table in each role would be an unnecessary waste of
memory space. Instead, the table is stored as a sparse matrix, where only the
necessary bits are included.
To accomplish this, each bitmap is stored as a series of one or more bitmap
segments, where each can hold a variable number of bits. Each segment must
start with a bit that is the high-order bit in a byte, and each must end with a bit that
is the low order bit in a byte. This restriction results in segments that have no
partial bytes at the beginning or end. Any bits that do not represent defined
access-control points must be set to zero, indicating that the corresponding function
is not permitted.
The bitmap portion of each segment is preceded by a header, providing information
about the segment. The header contains the following fields.
Starting bit number The index of the first bit contained in the segment. The index
of the first access-control point in the table is zero (X'0000').
Ending bit number The index of the last bit contained in the segment.
Number of bytes in segment The number of bytes of bitmap data contained in
this segment.
B-30 IBM 4758 CCA Basic Services, Release 2.54, February 2005