
CCA Release 2.54
Role Structure
This section describes the data structures used with roles.
Basic Structure of a Role
The following figure describes how the Role data is structured. This is the format
used when role data is transferred to or from the Coprocessor, using verbs
Bytes Field
2 Role structure version (X'1', X'')
2 Role structure length (bytes)
├───────┴─────────────────────────────────── ─ ────────────┐
2 │ Comment
├───────┬─────────────────────────────────── ─ ────────────┘
2 │ Checksum
2 │ Reserved
8 │ Role ID
2 Required Authentication Strength
2 Lower time limit
2 Upper time limit
1 │ Valid DOW
1 │ Reserved
├───┴─────────────────────────────────────── ─ ────────────┐
variable │ Permitted Operations
└─────────────────────────────────────────── ─ ────────────┘
Figure B-31. Role Layout
The checksum is defined as the exclusive-OR (XOR) of each byte in the role
structure. The high-order byte of the checksum field is set to zero (X'00'), and the
exclusive-OR result is put in the low-order byte.
Note: The checksum value is not used in the current role structure. It may be
verified by the Cryptographic Coprocessor with a future version of the role
The Permitted Operations are defined by the Access-Control-Point list, described in
“Access-Control-Point List” on page B-30 below.
The lower time limit and upper time limit fields are two-byte structures with each
byte containing a binary value. The first byte contains the hour (0-23) and the
second byte contains the minute (0-59). For example, 8:45 AM is represented by
X'08' in the first byte, and X'2D' in the second.
If the lower time limit and upper time limit are identical, the role is valid for use at
any time of the day.
The valid days-of-the-week are represented in a single byte with each bit
representing a single day. Set the appropriate bit to one to validate a specific day.
The first, or Most Significant Bit (MSB) represents Sunday, the second bit
represents Monday, and so on. The last or Least Significant Bit (LSB) is reserved
and must be set to zero.
Appendix B. Data Structures B-29