
CCA Release 2.54
therefore it is very important to handle the key-generating key with a high degree of
security lest the interactions with the whole population of cards be placed in
In the current implementation, several methods of diversifying a key are supported:
and TDESEMV4. The first two methods triple-encrypt data using the
generating_key to form the diversified key. The diversified key is then
multiply-enciphered by the master key modified by the control vector for the output
key. The TDES-DEC method is similar except that the data is triple-decrypted.
The SESS-XOR method provides a means for modifying an existing DATA,
DATAC, MAC, DATAM, or MACVER, DATAMV single- or double-length key. The
provided data is exclusive-ORed into the clear value of the key. This form of key
diversification is specified by several of the credit card associations.
The TDES-ENC and TDES-DEC methods permit the production of either another
key-generating key, or a “final” key. Control-vector bits 19-22 associated with the
key-generating key specify the permissible type of final key. (See DKYGENKY on
page C-6.) Control-vector bits 12-14 associated with the key-generating key
specify if the diversified key is a final key or another in a series of key-generating
keys. Bits 12 to 14 specify a counter that is decreased by one each time the
Diversified_Key_Generate verb is used to produce another key-generating key. For
example, if the key-generating key that you specify has this counter set to B'010',
then you must specify the control vector for the generated_key with a DKYGENKY
key type having the counter bits set to B'001' and specifying the same final key
type in bits 19-22. Use of a generating_key with bits 12-14 set to B'000' results in
the creation of the final key. Thus you can control both the number of
diversifications required to reach a final key, and you can closely control the type of
the final key.
The TDESEMV2, TDESEMV4, and TDES-XOR methods also derive a key by
encrypting supplied data including a transaction counter value received from an
EMV smart card. The processes are described in detail at“VISA and EMV-Related
Smart Card Formats and Processes” on page E-17 . Refer to “Working With EMV
Smart Cards” on page 8-13 to understand the various verbs you can use to
operate with EMV smart cards.
Storing Keys in Key Storage
Only internal key-tokens can be stored in key storage. The verbs that you use to
create, write, read, delete, and list records in key storage, and the format of the key
label used to access these records, are described in Chapter 7, “Key-Storage
Note: To use key storage, the Compute_Verification_Pattern command must first
be authorized. This command is used to validate that the symmetric master-key
used to encipher keys within the key-storage file had the same value as the
symmetric master-key in the cryptographic facility when the key-storage file is
5-20 IBM 4758 CCA Basic Services, Release 2.54, February 2005