
CCA Release 2.54 Retained_Key_List
The key_label_mask parameter points to a string variable containing a key
label mask that is used to filter the list of key names returned by the verb. You
can use a wild card (*) to identify multiple keys retained within the Coprocessor.
The retained_keys_count parameter points to an integer variable to receive the
total number of retained keys stored within the Coprocessor.
The key_labels_count parameter points to an integer variable which on input
defines the maximum number of key labels to be returned, and which on output
defines the number of key labels returned by the Coprocessor.
The key_labels parameter points to a string array variable. The Coprocessor
returns zero or more 64-byte entries that each contain a key label of a key
retained within the Coprocessor.
Required Commands
The Retained_Key_List verb requires the List Retained Key Names command
(offset X'0230') to be enabled in the hardware.
Chapter 7. Key-Storage Verbs 7-23