CCA Release 2.54 Cryptographic_Facility_Query
On output, the verb sets the variable to the number of rule-array elements it
returns to the application program.
Note: With this verb, the number of returned rule-array elements can exceed
the rule-array count that you specified on input. Be sure that you allocate
adequate memory to receive all of the information elements according to the
information class that you select on input with the information-to-return keyword
in the rule-array.
The rule_array parameter is a pointer to a string variable containing an array of
keywords. The keywords are eight bytes in length, and must be left-justified
and padded on the right with space characters.
On input, set the rule array to specify the type of information to retrieve. There
are two input rule_array elements, as described below.
The format of the output rule-array depends on the value of the rule-array
element which identifies the information to be returned. Different sets of
rule-array elements are returned depending on whether the input keyword is
For rule-array elements that contain numbers, those numbers are represented
by numeric characters which are left-justified and padded on the right with
space characters. For example, a rule-array element which contains the
number two will contain the character string “2 ”.
On output, the rule-array elements can have the values shown in the table
Keyword Meaning
Adapter to use (optional)
ADAPTER1 This keyword is ignored. It is accepted for backward
Information to return (one required)
STATCCA Gets CCA-related status information.
STATCCAE Gets CCA-related extended status information.
STATCARD Gets Coprocessor-related basic status information.
STATDIAG Gets diagnostic information.
STATEID Gets the environment identifier, EID.
STATEXPT Gets function control vector-related status information.
STATMOFN Gets master-key shares distribution information.
TIMEDATE Reads the current date, time, and day of the week from the
secure clock within the Coprocessor.
Chapter 2. CCA Node-Management and Access-Control 2-35