CCA Release 2.54 Diversified_Key_Generate
Diversified_Key_Generate (CSNBDKG)
OS/2 AIX Win NT/
IBM 4758-2/23 X X X X
The Diversified_Key_Generate verb generates a key based on a function of a
key-generating key, the process rule, and data that you supply. The
key-generating-key key-type enables you to restrict such keys from being used in
other verbs that might reveal the value of a diversified key.
This verb is especially useful for creating “diversified keys” for operating with
finance industry smart cards. Be sure to review “Diversifying Keys” on page 5-19.
To use the verb, specify the following:
A rule-array keyword to select the diversification process.
The operational key-generating key from which the diversified keys are
generated. The control vector of the key-generating key determines the type of
target key that is generated and, except for the SESS-XOR process, restricts
the use of this key to the key-diversification process.
The data and its length used in the diversification process.
The operational key used to recover the data or, for processes that employ
clear data, a null key-token.
The generated-key key-token with a suitable control vector for receiving the
diversified key. The specified process can restrict the type of generated key.
– For the CLR8-ENC, TDESEMV2, TDESEMV4, and TDES-XOR processes,
a null token may not be specified
– For the TDES-ENC or TDES-DEC processes, a null token may be specified
– For the SESS-XOR process, a null token must be specified.
The verb generates the diversified key and updates the generated-key key-token
with this value by the following procedure:
Determines that it can support the process as requested by the rule-array
Recovers the key-generating key and checks the control vector for the
appropriate key-type and the specified usage in this verb
Determines that the length of the generating key is appropriate to the specified
Determines that the control vector in the generated-key key-token is permissible
for the specified process
Recovers the data-encrypting key and determines that the control vector is
appropriate for the specified process
Decrypts the data as can be required by the specified process
Generates the key appropriate to the specified process
Does not adjust the parity of the derived key.
Chapter 5. DES Key-Management 5-35