DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
config 802.1x auth_parameter ports [<portlist> | all] [default | {direction [both | in] |
port_control [force_unauth | auto | force_auth] | quiet_period <sec 0-65535> | tx_period
<sec 1-65535> | supp_timeout <sec 1-65535> | server_timeout <sec 1-65535> | max_req
<value 1-10> | reauth_period <sec 1-65535> | max_users [<value 1-448> | no_limit] |
enable_reauth [enable | disable]}(1)]
ports - Specify a range of ports to be configured.
<portlist> - Enter the list of ports used for the configuration here.
all - Specify that all the ports will be used.
default - Sets all parameter to be default value.
direction - (Optional) Sets the direction of access control.
both - For bidirectional access control.
in - For unidirectional access control.
port_control - (Optional) You can force a specific port to be unconditionally authorized or
unauthorized by setting the parameter of port_control to be force_authorized or
force_unauthorized. Besides, the controlled port will reflect the outcome of authentication if
port_control is auto.
force_unauth - Force a specific port to be unconditionally unauthorized.
auto - The controlled port will reflect the outcome of authentication.
force_auth - Force a specific port to be unconditionally authorized.
quiet_period - (Optional) It is the initialization value of the quietWhile timer. The default value is
60 seconds and can be any value among 0 to 65535.
<sec 0-65535> - Enter the quiet period value here. This value must be between 0 and 65535
tx_period - (Optional) It is the initialization value of the transmit timer period. The default value is
30 seconds and can be any integer value among 1 to 65535.
<sec 1-65535> - Enter the tx period value here. This value must be between 1 and 65535
supp_timeout - (Optional) The initialization value of the aWhile timer when timing out the
supplicant. Its default value is 30 seconds and can be any integer value among 1 to 65535.
<sec 1-65535> - Enter the supplicant timeout value here. This value must be between 1 and
65535 seconds.
server_timeout - (Optional) The initialization value of the aWhile timer when timing out the
authentication server. Its default value is 30 seconds and can be any integer value among 1 to
<sec 1-65535> - Enter the server timeout value here. This value must be between 1 and
65535 seconds.
max_req - (Optional) The maximum number of times that the authentication PAE state machine
will retransmit an EAP Request packet to the supplicant. Its default value is 2 and can be any
integer number among 1 to 10.
<value 1-10> - Enter the maximum required value here. This value must be between 1 and
reauth_period - (Optional) It’s a nonzero number of seconds, which is used to be the re-
authentication timer. The default value is 3600.
<sec 1-65535> - Enter the re-authentication period value here. This value must be between 1
and 65535 seconds.
max_users - (Optional) Specify per port maximum number of users. The default value is 16.
<value 1-448> - Enter the maximum users value here. This value must be between 1 and
no_limit - Specify that no limit is enforced on the maximum users used.
enable_reauth - (Optional) You can enable or disable the re-authentication mechanism for a
specific port.
enable - Specify to enable the re-authentication mechanism for a specific port.
disable - Specify to disable the re-authentication mechanism for a specific port.