450 iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
12.14 Notes for Version 4 software tables
Note 1 V4 is supported on the following AS/400e RISC models only. See the overview table in the model chapters for the
minimum OS/400 release to support each model.
9402/4/6-600, 620, 640, 650, S20, S30, S40
9406-170 (V4R2)
9402/4/6-720, 730, 740 (V4R3)
9406-250 (V4R5)
9402/4/6-270 (V4R5)
9402/4/6-820, 830, 840 (V4R5)
9406-SB2/SB3 (V4R5)
Version 4
does not support any AS/400 CISC models.
Note 2 Products marked with a checkmark (9) in the Skip ship column are unchanged from a previous version or release and
are referred to as being skip shipped. These products retain their original product identifiers but are still shipped as part
of a 5755-AS5 stacked media when ordered.
The Stack feature and Addn’l feature columns provide the feature codes that are included in the System Program Order
(5755-AS5) when a specific product or feature is ordered. Prior to V4R4, most AS/400 products are supplied together
on a stacked media that is generated based on the features listed in the 5755-AS5 product. For Version 4, the only
stacked media available is CD-ROM.
With the introduction of Keyed Stamped Media in V4R4, all products the client ordered are no longer stacked on a single
set of CDs. For V4R4 and later, the SIPO provides a list of all products the client receives. The client receives this group
of CDs:
Microcode CDs
OS/400 Base Operating System CDs
Set of Keyed Stamped Media CDs
Individual CD for each product ordered that is not part of Keyed Stamped Media
Cumulative PTF CDs
A typical order for licensed programs can be constructed as shown here:
5755-AS5 #2501 OS/400
#25xx V4R1 and V4R2 Licensed Programs
#26xx Additional Features of V4R1 and V4R2 Licensed Programs
#1991 New Releases and CumPacks supplied on request only
#19xx Update Feature
#29xx Primary Language
#3410 CD-ROM Media
#35xx Release Specifier
#5000 SW Preload
Release specifiers: #3550 Release specifier for V4R5
Update features: #1960 Version 3 to Version 4 Release 1 Upgrade PTFs
#1925 PTFs when upgrading to V4R2
Note 3
This product is available in Asia Pacific (AP) countries or regions only.
This product is available in the United States and Canada only.
This product is available is Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) countries or regions only.
This product is available is EMEA, AP, and Latin America (LA) countries or regions only.