
150 iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
#5066 #5066 1.8 M I/O Tower
The #5066 provides two additional buses. The #5066 is actually two #5065 Storage/PCI Expansion Towers installed in a
1.8M I/O Tower. The #5066 reports to the system as two #5065s. The #5066 1.8 M I/O Tower includes two 1063 Mbps
optical bus cards, various cables (including optical cables) and the 1.8M I/O Tower. The #5066 includes 24 PCI IOA slots,
space for 90 disk units, space for four removable media devices, battery backup, redundant or hot swap power supplies,
and two base PCI LAN, WAN, or Workstation IOPs (CCIN 2824). The #5066 is capable of controlling Ultra2 SCSI disk
units. Two line cords must be specified.
Prerequisite: #2688 Optical Link Processor
Maximum: Two on the Model 720; nine on the Model 730 and 740
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R4
The #5066 was withdrawn from marketing on 21 November 2003.
#5072 #5072 1063 Mbps System Unit Expansion Tower
The #5072 provides an additional bus. It includes a 1063 Mbps optical bus card, 13 SPD I/O card slots, space for up to
four internal tape units, and battery and power supplies. It can support one #5052 Storage Expansion Unit. Due to power
restrictions, some combinations of high power consumption cards might mean that an additional #5072 is required.
Prerequisite: #2688 Optical Link Processor
Maximum: Four on the Model 720; 18 on the Model 730 and 740
#5073 #5073 1063 Mbps System Unit Expansion Tower
The #5073 provides additional buses. It includes a 1063 Mbps optical bus card, 13 SPD I/O card slots, space for up to four
internal tape units, and battery and power supplies. It can support one #5058 Storage Expansion Unit. Due to power
restrictions, some combinations of high power consumption cards might mean that an additional #5073 is required.
Prerequisite: #2688 Optical Link Processor
Maximum: Four on the Model 720; 18 on the Model 730 and 740
#5082 #5082 Storage Expansion Tower (1063 Mbps)
The #5082 provides a DASD tower for adding up to 16 disk units. A total of 32 disk units are supported with the addition of
a #5052 Storage Expansion Unit. The #5082 includes a 1063 Mbps optical bus card, two SPD I/O card slots for the #6502,
#6512, #6530, #6532, and #6533 disk IOPs, and battery and power supplies.
Prerequisite: #2688 Optical Link Processor
Maximum: Four on the Model 720; 18 on the Model 730 and 740
#5083 #5083 Storage Expansion Tower (1063 Mbps Ultra SCSI)
The #5083 provides a DASD tower for adding up to 16 disk units. A total of 32 disk units are supported with the addition
of #5058 Storage Expansion Unit. The #5083 includes a 1063 Mbps optical bus card, two SPD I/O card slots for the #6502,
#6512, #6530, #6532, or #6533 disk IOPs, and battery and power supplies.
Prerequisite: #2688 Optical Link Processor
Maximum: Four on the Model 720; 18 on the Model 730 and 740
#5101 #5101 30 Disk Unit Expansion
The #5101 provides two 15 unit disk enclosures, a 700-watt power supply, backplanes, and internal cables.
Maximum: One per #5065 Storage/PCI Expansion Tower
#5143 #5143 Power Supply
The #5143 is a 400-watt power supply that is usually a prerequisite for a #5052 Storage Expansion Unit installed on a
#5072 1063 Mbps System Unit Expansion Tower or #5082 Storage Expansion Tower.
Maximum: One per #5072 or #5082
#5150 #5150 Battery Backup (External)
The #5150 is an external battery backup that when used in conjunction with internal battery backup is capable of extending
the Continuously Power Main Storage (CPM) time to a minimum of 48 hours. On Model 730 and 740, a standard internal
battery backup is capable of maintaining CPM on 16 GB of main storage for a minimum of 24 hours. The #5150 is required
when main storage exceeds 16 GB on a Model 730 or 740. It can also be purchased for increasing the CPM time over that
of the internal battery.
#5151 #5151 Power Supply (650 watts)
The #5151 is a 650-watt feature power supply that is a prerequisite for #5055 Storage Expansion Unit. It is also required
when five or more main storage cards are installed.
Maximum: One
Supported on Model 730