226 iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
#0142 #0142 Linux Partition Specify
The #0142 is used to specify that this system is to be logically partitioned with a Linux partition. Specify one #0142 for each
Linux partition required. There are no minimum number of Linux direct attached features required per Linux partition. A
Linux partition can exist without any Linux direct attached features in it (in this case, virtual storage, virtual LAN and virtual
console is virtualized by way of the iSeries server).
The following Linux direct attach features can be attached directly to a Linux partition. Linux direct attached features cannot
be accessed by OS/400 partitions:
#0601 - Direct Attach - #2743 PCI 1 Gbps Ethernet IOA
(withdrawn from marketing on 01 October 2004. Recommended replacement is the #0620)
#0602 - Direct Attach - #2760 PCI 1 Gbps Ethernet UTP IOA
(withdrawn from marketing on 01 October 2004. Recommended replacement is the #0621)
#0603 - Direct Attach - #2744 PCI 100 Mbps Token-Ring IOA (withdrawn from marketing on 01 June 2006)
#0604 - Direct Attach - #2763 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller
#0605 - Direct Attach - #4748 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller (withdrawn from marketing for new orders only)
#0606 - Direct Attach - #4778 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller (withdrawn from marketing 19 November 2004.
Recommended replacement is the #0618)
#0607 - Direct Attach - #4838 PCI 100/10 Mbps Ethernet IOA
#0608 - Direct Attach - #4745 PCI WAN IOA (withdrawn from marketing on 01 June 2006)
#0609 - Direct Attach - #2772 PCI Dual WAN/Modem IOA (withdrawn from marketing on 01 June 2006)
#0610 - Direct Attach - #2773 PCI Dual WAN/ModemIOA
#0611 - Direct Attach - #2765 PCI Fibre Channel Tape Controller
(withdrawn from marketing for new orders only on 01 April 2005)
#0612 - Direct Attach - #2766 PCI Fibre Channel Disk Controller
(withdrawn from marketing for new orders only on 01 April 2005)
#0613 - Direct Attach - #2742 PCI 2-Line WAN IOA
#0614 - Direct Attach - #2793 PCI 2-Line WAN w/Modem
#0615 - Direct Attach - #2794 PCI 2-Line WAN w/Modem
#0616 - Direct Attach - #2805 PCI Quad Modem IOA
#0617 - Direct Attach - #2806 PCI Quad Modem (CIM)
#0618 - Direct Attach - #2757 PCI-X Ultra RAID Disk Controller
(Withdrawn from marketing on 01 June 2006. Recommended replacement is the #0627)
#0619 - Direct Attach - #2782 PCI-X RAID Disk Unit Controller
#0620 - Direct Attach - #5700 PCI 1 Gbps Ethernet IOA
#0621 - Direct Attach - #5701 PCI 1 Gbps Ethernet UTP IOA
#0623 - Direct Attach - #2849 PCI 100/10 Mbps Ethernet IOA
(Withdrawn from marketing on 01 June 2006. Recommended replacement is the #0620)
#0624 - Direct Attach - #5702 PCI-X Ultra Tape Controller
(Withdrawn from marketing on 1 June 2006. Recommended replacement is the #0645)
#0625 - Direct Attach - #5704 PCI-X Fibre Channel Tape Controller
#0626 - Direct Attach - #2787 PCI-X Fibre Channel Disk Controller
#0627 - Direct Attach - #2780 PCI-X Ultra4 RAID Disk Controller
#0628 - Direct Attach - #5703 PCI-X RAID Disk Unit Controller
#0632 - PCI USB 2.0 Adapter
#0633 - Graphics Adapter
#0634 - 128-port Asynchronous Adapter
#0635 - SDLC/X.25 - 2-port Adapter
#0643 - Direct Attach - #5706 PCI-X Gbps Ethernet-TX IOA
#0644 - Direct Attach - #5707 PCI-X 1 Gbps Ethernet-SX IOA
#0645 - Direct Attach - #5712 PCI-X Tape/DASD Controller
#0646 Direct Attach - #5716 2 Gb Fibre Channel PCI-X Adapter