280 iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
#4486/#4586/#4686 25 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Device
The #4486, #4586, and #4686 25 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Device is a 25GB ¼-inch cartridge tape unit that mounts in a
removable media device slot of a system unit or an expansion drawer/tower. The #4486, #4586, and #4686 25 GB ¼-inch
Cartridge Tape Device can be used for save/restore, alternate IPL, program distribution, migration and ¼-inch cartridge
tape exchange. This tape unit is not compatible with System/36 ¼-inch cartridge tape units.
The #4486 is supported by the Models 820, 830, 840. The #4486 can be mounted in the base PCI enclosure of Models
830, 840, and in the #5074/#5079 PCI Expansion Towers.
The #4586 can be mounted in the system unit of Model 820.
The #4686 can be mounted in the base PCI enclosure of Models 830 and 840, in the #5074/#5079 PCI Expansion Towers,
in the #5094/#5294 Expansion Towers. The #4686 is supported for upgrades only in the Model 820, 830, and 840.
Refer to 9.8, “QIC and VXA-2 tape specifications and compatibility for iSeries and AS/400e systems” on page 378, for
additional characteristics.
Supported for migration in Linux partitions with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for POWER or Red Hat Enterprise Linux
AS for POWER Version 3
Minimum operating system level for the #4486: OS/400 V4R4
Minimum operating system level for the #4586: OS/400 V4R5
The #4486, #4586, and #4686 are Customer Install Features.
The #4586 was withdrawn from marketing on 3 December 2002.
#4487/#4587/#4687 50 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Device
The #4487/#4587/#4687 50 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Device can be used for save/restore, alternate IPL, program
distribution, migration, and ¼-inch cartridge tape exchange using the appropriate media and density. These tape units
are not compatible with System/36 ¼-inch cartridge tape units.
The #4487 can be mounted in the base PCI enclosure of the Models 830 and 840, and in the #5074/#5079 PCI
Expansion Towers
The #4587 can be mounted in the system unit of a Model 820.
The #4687 can be mounted in the #5074/#5079 PCI Expansion Towers, and in the #5094/#5294 Expansion Towers.
The #4487 is supported in the Models 820, 830, and 840
The #4587 is supported in the Model 820
The #4687 is supported in the Models 820, 830, and 840
Prerequisite: A disk unit controller in system unit or tower where device is mounted.
Refer to 9.8, “QIC and VXA-2 tape specifications and compatibility for iSeries and AS/400e systems” on page 378, for
additional characteristics.
Supported for migration in Linux and AIX partitions with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for POWER or Red Hat Enterprise
Linux AS for POWER Version 3, and AIX 5L for POWER V5.2
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R1
The #4487, #4587, or #4687 are Customer Install Features.
The #4487 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 January 2004
The #8287 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 October 2005.
The #4587 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 June 2006.