Chapter 9. External storage, SANs, QIC, and VXA-2 formats for IBM iSeries and AS/400e servers 311
9.1.4 IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server
Machine Description 9406 models
2105 2105 Enterprise Storage Server
The 2105 is the enclosure of the IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server (ESS). Each 2105
incorporates dual RISC 4-way SMP processors, read/write cache up to 64 GB, up to 384 MB
non-volatile storage (NVS) (write cache), four device adapter pairs, and 8-packs of disks in the optimum
serial loop configuration.
The ESS offers excellent scalability. The Model 800 supports up to 55.9 TB of physical capacity that can
be configured as RAID 5, RAID 10, or a combination of both. The E10, E20, F10, and F20 ESS models
range from 420 GB to over 1.6 TB (E10), 11.2 TB (E20), 3.3 TB (F10), and 22.4 TB (F20) of RAID-5
effective capacity.
Enterprise Storage Server supports platforms including RS/6000 and pSeries® running AIX and many
leading UNIX® variants, Netfinity, xSeries, other PC servers running Windows NT or Novell NetWare,
and Compaq AlphaServers running OpenVMS. In addition, the ESS supports IBM S/390® and IBM
eServer zSeries® servers with selected host operating systems.
Storage capacity is partitioned among the attached servers using the Web-based StorWatch ESS
Specialist management tool.
For the latest on server and operating support, check the ESS Interoperability Matrix at:
Minimum operating system level to support 4 GB and 8 GB arms: OS/400 V3R1
Minimum operating system level to support 17 GB and 36 GB arms: OS/400 V4R2
Minimum operating system level to support ESS Models F10, F20, and 800 with a #2766 PCI Fibre
Channel Disk Controller or #2787 PCI-X Fibre Channel Disk Controller: OS/400 V5R1
Minimum operating system level to support the Model 800: OS/400 V4R5
Minimum operating system level to support FlashCopy® and PPRC: OS/400 V4R5
Minimum operating system level to support LUN sizes 70.56 and greater (must be fibre attached):
OS/400 V5R1. Install PTF MF27545 to improve the time to add 2105 disk units to an auxiliary storage
Minimum operating system level to support FlashCopy V2 and PPRC V2: OS/400 V5R2
Minimum operating system level to support Linux: SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 for POWER or Red
Hat Enterprise Linux AS for POWER Version 32.
Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 7 for iSeries support requires #0612 - Direct Attach - #2766
PCI Fibre Channel Disk Controller or #0626 - #2787 PCI-X Fibre Channel Disk Controller.
The Model F20 was withdrawn from marketing on 31 December 2003. The recommended replacements
are the ESS Model 800, 750 or the IBM TotalStorage DS6000™ or D8000 series.
#6501 Attach:
3x0, 50S, 53S,
500, 510, 530,
6x0, Sx0, (not
600, S10)
720, 730, 740,
SB2, SB3,
820, 830, 840
#2766 Attach:
270, 820, 830,
#2787 Attach:
270, 820, 830,
ESS model summary matrix
9.1 GB
18.2 GB
36.4 GB
72.8 GB
145.6 GB
Cache Power
E10 420 GB -
1.6 TB
Yes Yes Yes No No 6 GB Single phase
E20 420 GB -
11.2 TB
Yes Yes Yes No No 6 GB Three phase
F10 420 GB -
3.3 TB
Yes Yes Yes Yes No 8 to 32 GB Single phase
F20 420 GB -
22.4 TB
Yes Yes Yes Yes No 8 to 32 GB Three phase
750 1.1 TB -
4.6 TB
No No No Yes Yes 8 GB Three phase
800 582 GB -
55.9 TB
No Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 to 64 GB Three phase