274 iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
7.8 Disk units
#9771 #9771 Base PCI 2-Line WAN with integrated modem
The #9771 is a 2-line WAN adapter. One port supports V.90 56K async data on PPP with an internal modem. The second
port supports multiple protocol communications (WAN). Connection to the V.90 port uses a telephone cable. Use one of
the following cables to connect to the WAN communication port:
#0348 V.24/EIA232 20-ft (6 m) PCI cable
#0349 V.24/EIA232 50-ft (15 m) PCI cable
#0353 V.35 20-ft PCI cable
#0354 V.35 50-ft PCI cable
#0356 V.36 20-ft PCI cable
#0359 X.21 20-ft PCI cable
#0360 X.21 50-ft PCI cable
#0365 V.24/EIA232 80-ft PCI cable
#0367 Operations Console PCI Cable
The #9771 supports the #0367 Operations Console PCI Cable on the WAN (RVX) port to directly connect the Operations
Console for V5R1 or later or with OS/400 V4R5 and PTF MF25397 (not in cumulative PTF). Direct connection of the
Operations Console is mutually exclusive with V.90 support of the
dial-in Operations Console.
The #9771 supports the #5544 System Console on Operations Console on the V.90 port for
dial-in Operations Console
with V5R1. An additional #4745 is required on OS/400 V4R5 systems for
dial-in Operations Console support.
The #9771 ships with a country- or region-specific telephone cable. No modem cable feature is required on the order.
ECS is supported over TCP/IP on the V.90 telephone cable port with V5R1, or with OS/400 V4R5 and PTF SF64124. Fax
is supported on the V.90 port with V5R1, or with OS/400 V4R5 and PTFs MF25290 and SF64604.
To support ECS on the WAN port of the #9771, specify one of the following cables:
#0348 V.24/EIA232 20-ft (6 m) PCI cable (default)
#0349 V.24/EIA232 50-ft (15 m) PCI cable
#0365 V.24/EIA232 80-ft PCI cable
ECS operates on the WAN port of the #9771 by changing the *RSRCNAME parameter of the QESLINE and QTILINE line
descriptions to that of the WAN port on the #9771 card.
Remote Power On is not supported. The #9771 does not support the remote ring indicate function.
For further configuration information, see: http://www.iseries.ibm.com/tstudio/planning/esa/esa.htm
See the “Soft rules: iSeries IOA requirements” topic in PCI Card Placement Rules for the IBM eServer iSeries Server,
REDP-3638 for additional restrictions.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R5 with supporting PTFs
The #9771 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 October 2005.
Disk units
#0040 #0040 Mirrored System Disk Level Protection Capability
This code indicates the level of disk protection desired and helps ensure that adequate hardware is in the final configuration.
For new systems: Causes the order to fail if sufficient disk units are not ordered to support device-level mirrored protection.
The #0040 causes all disk units to be placed into configurations capable of implementing mirrored pairs.
For upgrade orders: The #0040 causes a warning message to be generated during implementation of mirroring if
sufficient disk units are unavailable to provide mirror capability. The customer is responsible for starting mirroring on their
system. Mirrored system disk level protection requires all disk units to be placed into mirrored pairs and mirroring be
started. The load source must be controlled by the first disk controller on the first system bus and must be mirrored to a like
disk unit also attached to the first disk controller on the first system bus. Refer to:
Logically partitioned systems require additional planning.
The minimum number of disks allowed on a system is two.